No I do not want to be the new Demon Lord.

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I have a secret side of me that I would never let you see. And I try to keep it cage but sometimes I can not control it. Yes you better stay away from me because the Revenant it is vicious and ugly. Yes I can feel the rage and I cannot control it. Yes the Monster is the boss and I'm only pretending that I am the one that is in charge of it. Yes it is awake. And it is looking for you. Yes it is coming and you are already dead all because of the dark Revenant inside of me. And no one could save you because it is already here and it is always hungry. Yes I can feel it deep within me. And right now it is at the surface and just under my skin looking for a way to rip out. Yes I must confess that I feel like a Monster. And I hate what I have become. But it is much to late because here you are and you are looking and smelling so damn good. Yes I must confess that I feel like a damn Monster. I. I feel. Yes I feel like a Monster. Yes the secret side of me I try to keep under lock and key. O Yes I know that I cannot control it. And I pretend that I keep it cage but I know that I cannot control it. Yes because he is already out and he is going to kill everyone around. Yes why doesn't somebody stronger than me come here to save them from me. Yes please make this end. Yes I can feel it deep within me. And right now it is at the surface and just barely under my skin looking for a way to rip out. Yes I must confess that I feel like a Monster. And I hate what I have become. Because I have become a freaking Monster. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I. I feel. Yes I feel like the Monster. Yes the night and the darkness had just begun and everyone is gone. Yes because I am the freaking Monster. And all of the blood and guts is splattered everywhere. O yes I hate what I have become. Because I have become the Darkness Incarnate. Yes I am the Monster. The freaking damn Monster. I. I am. I am the Monster. And I am hiding in the dark and my teeth and claws is razor sharp. Yes there's no escape for you and me because I already lost my heart and soul to the dark. And no one can hear you scream. And maybe this is a dream. But you would have to see if you wake up in the morning . That is if you are still alive when the sun arrives. Yes can no one stop me the Monster!!!!!!!!!!!!. O yes I am the freaking Monster.🩸🩸🫀🧠🩸🩸.👹. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Hahahahahaha...................... Lord Robert what are we going to do now that the Demon Lord his defeated. Please just call me Robert or Bobby you can do without calling me Lord I am not Royalty or a Noble. Yes Robert. Come on please treat me like you would anyone else please Tarak. Okie dokie Robert by the way can we use some of your healing potion several of us are injured and we need it. Okay dokie I will give you a few bottles of my healing potions. Robert open up his traveling fanny pack and took out several bottles of his healing potion and handed it to Tarak. Robert said you can keep those potions give them to someone who's good with medicine or healing magic they may come useful later. And right before anything else could happen Robert heard a loud ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding in his ear. And then he saw a notification pop up in front of him. Your status has been updated from a Demon Lord candidate to the official new Demon Lord. George Robert Quincy. And your Level has been boosted from 26,000 to 34,000. And you was already the strongest monster before your level up. But now you receive the new title of the Supreme Revenant Immortal Demon Lord. And here is all of the following abilities that you receive from your new title and rank in position as the Supreme Revenant Immortal Demon Lord. And a very long list of powers and abilities started to scrolling down in the blank space in front of Roberts face. Crap crap crap freaking crap I did not want this Bullshit. And now I get a video game player screen when I actually do not want it. Damn it and freaking great. He just got registered with the system Mistress Amundane. We can make indirect contact with him now as long as it coincides with the game rules. But I do not think that he will listen to any directions that we will give him indirectly or even if we gave direct directions to him on his player status screen. And he was already up there but now he is god tier powerful he would only need a few more level-ups and he would be nearly as strong as we are. Yes the Pre-Colonization Revenant curse is allowing him to have nearly all the same immortal abilities that we have. Yes all that he would need is the Akari Horcrux Alchemy Circle that we all have and he would be just as powerful as we are. Yes he is almost as powerful as we are. and I am wondering what will he do if he finds out about us. Yes he is a Demigod. Luckily he has not transcended to become a God like us but he is still a major threat to us if he wants to be a enemy of the Divine Heavenly Realm. Okay okay that is not important have the Andrews made contact with us said Mistress Amundane. Yes Mistress they agree with us to try to keept playing the game. And they will keep directing Tarak to defeat the new Demon Lord Robert. Yes when they contact him they will tell him that Robert is the new Demon Lord and that he must become stronger to defeat him. Hahaha. Let us see how Robert will deals with Tarak becoming his enemy. Yes will he kill him or will he do something else I cannot wait to see what will be his play. Yes yes this is going to be difficult but I am going to do my best to direct Robert the direction that I want him to go as my New Demon Lord if it is possible. Knock On Wood. Robert can I ask you to help me if you would I would like you to give me a blessing and maybe a Divine weapon because I know that a new Demon Lord will the chosen soon. Because you have killed the old Demon Lord. And I know that you told me that that you are not a DemiGod . But you are practically if not Omnipotent and I would like to have your blessing please Robert. Crap crap crap if you only knew Tarak that I have become the new Demon Lord even though I don't want to be the new Demon Lord. Freaking crap crap crap crap. Yes what are you going to do now if I told you who I was. But anyway. Yes Tarak I will give you a major magical power up and a weapon and some magically enchanted armor to defeat the new Demon Lord. That is if it comes to it and you are forced to kill him you will be able to do it. Robert started waving his hands in the air drawing all of the iron from the surrounding dirt and rocks. And when he had enough iron he magically melted and purified the iron into pure surgical stainless steel. And he created a very strong and powerful gravity field and started Forgeing the steel into a very strong and powerful sword and armor. And after the sword and armor was made he started weaving magic into the weapon and armor that he made for Tarak. God please do not let this happen that he would need to use everything that I made for him against me. But just in case I do cross the line I hope that he would be strong enough and capable to stop me or kill me if it comes to that. Yes if I need to be stopped. I am going to do my best to stay within your will and do not cross that dark forbidden line into the darkness of absolute evil. God please help me and help them and protect me and them from me O Lord God. And when Tarak and everyone else was inspecting what Robert gave him he disappeared in a blink of an eye moving as fast as he could and creating enough space between him and them. Because he can feel that the magic spell that was cast by the former Demon Lord was starting to collapse and dissipate. And he know that he would be exposed to the bright sunlight again so he made his departure exit stage left. And he pray to God that they would have a very long and safe and healthy life. And he also can feel that he is going to have a upgrade and transform into the new Demon Lord. And he did not want them to see this transformation and this is why he departed their presence. And right before he started running as fast as he could he put on a heavy and thick rain cloak to keep his exposed skin from the bright and burning Sun. Yes he ran as fast as he could away from them to protect them from himself. At least what he might do if he stayed too long with them. Several minutes after he was away from them he started praying to God to protect me and them from all sin and evil from wherever and whoever the sin would come from......................... Lord Quincy we have gain access to their game board and we can make contact with Robert. Excellent excellent give him the quest. Yes Lord Quincy. Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. George Robert Quincy you have your first quest notification. Protecting your family. Robert you must defeat and bring down and defeat the other divine Wizarding God families. And protect your own family the Quincy's at all costs. This is a prime unbreakable quest that you must complete to save the world from the Darkness and Evil of the other God Families. This quest comes above any other quest that may be given. Yes this is a prime quest that must be carried out by you George Robert Quincy. Other quest May be given but this quest is Paramount. And this quest must be kept absolutely a secret from any and everyone no matter what. Damn IT Fucking Hell.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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