AM I the new Demon Lord???????

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Are you sure that he is in this tree Tarak said. Yes master Tarak. Come on please don't call me master how many times must I ask you not to call me master. I am just one of the Academy students who was kidnapped from The Dragon Forge Academy. Yes master. Please do not call me master. Hum hum yes sorry Tarak. He said to himself I am still not used to everyone calling me the Hero. I am not even 14 yet. O yes I am not even a young adult and everybody believes I am the Hero who will saved the world from the Demon lord. I still don't know how I passed the test to be the Hero. I know they was giving it to every young boy and girl my age but I should not have passed the test. Yes I am waiting for them to tell me that someone else had a higher score than I did to be the Hero. But it has been almost 2 years since I was declared the Hero and it is a bit late for that news to arrive. And I know in my heart that I couldn't be the Hero. Yes I know that I am not the Hero who would save the world from the new Demon Lord. And if I was the hero I would not have been kidnapped and I would not have let the other Academy students been kidnapped as well. I know that they use some sort of spell to knock us out but it should not have worked on me the hero right????. Yes if they was demons I would be dead and so would the other Dragon Forge Academy students we would all be dead. That is why I am not the hero because I would have stopped it if I was. But if I am not the Hero why did Lord Quincy personally come to rescue me. Yes this is scaring me because this is proof that I am the Hero. darn it. But little did he know the potential for Robert to be the new Demon Lord. Yes he may not chose to be the Demon Lord but fate may choose for him. Lord Robert Quincy can I talk to you please. Tarak is looking up into the very thick leaf canopy of the Hakey Tree. Robert was in a half sleep almost a waking daydream waiting for the bright burning sunlight to become the beautiful and glorious dark night when he was aware of Taraks aproach. After Tarak asked to talk to him Robert said yes how can I help you Tarak. And Tarak said can I talk to you face to face Lord Quincy. Robert started grinning to himself he moved with a unbelievable speed to the bottom of the tree and back up into the thick canopy with Tarak. Yes suddenly Tarak was right next to him. He had a very shock almost a scared expression on his face. He wasn't scared of Robert but the unbelievable godly speed of Robert that took place. Robert grinned because of the bewildered expression on his face Robert said to himself I should not have brought him this close to me his sent is unbelievably delectable. Robert started saying to himself. I have control of myself. I have control of myself. Yes God I have control of myself. And then Robert started laughing to try to calm down his nerves and desires and cravings to take a little bite and taste from Tarak. This calm down Tarak because if Robert was laughing and happy it encouraged him to be happy to. But if he was in a different situation having a Revenant laugh the way Robert was laughing at him should have scared him to death. But Tarak trusted Robert absolutely and completely and not even for one moment did the concept that his life was in danger ever passed through his thoughts and this is why he felt when Robert laughed it was a comforting laughter. He could barely see Robert within the deep shadows created by the leaf canopy of the Hakey Tree. Robert took a few breaths and then he said how can I help you. And Tarak said I would like to have your blessing to protect me in my Hero's party when I am facing the Demon Lord and his lesser demons and monsters when the time comes for their invasion to take place. Robert said what the fudge muffins did he just say Demon Lord this sounds like a RPG video game when he said Demon Lord. Yes I was most definitely spirited away into a Isekai reality. When Tarak was waiting for Robert to reply he observed Robert reach Out and try to pinch the air and he observed that Robert was making several hand gestures in the air and also like he was trying to write something in the blank space right in front of him. And then he said menu Admund Control. Hum Player Auto Save. Reset Accessibility Menu and several other phrases that he did not understand and then Robert shrugged his shoulders and gave up doing whatever he was doing. And then Robert looked at him and started laughing Hahahaha. You really want my blessing????. Yes my. blessing????. I am no pretend Deity or false Demigod. I am flesh and blood. And yes I am alive and I can be killed and die. I am not a false Demigod. Because they do not exist and if they do exist they are a living breathing person pretending to be a false Demigod. I would have told you this last night but I was in too much shock to process what you called me. I am not a God or a Demigod or any form of Deity there is only one God and he is our father and one and only God and creator. Our Father God who is in heaven how will be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done as it is in heaven so it will be on the face of all existence forever and ever Amen. And if you want proof that I am a living flesh and blood boy Robert took his thumb and pricked it with one of his fangs and he let the blood drop into his palm of his hand and right before the puncture on his thumb healed he closed his fist to hide it from Tarak. In Robert said if I was a God I could not be hurt and I would not bleed because I would not have blood and if I did have blood my blood would be gold or silver not red like a normal human being's blood would be like. And right before Robert would say something else he heard what sounded like a large army of individuals way out in the distance coming closer and closer he held his hand out to Tarak and said please be quiet I hear something coming and I have to concentrate on what I am hearing. About 2 minutes later Robert finally picked up several different scents very strange and weird aromas but he could not identify. He went to the very edge of the leaf cover and spread the leaves open and he squinted with all of his might trying to see what he was smelling and hearing. Everybody be quiet he is getting close to seeing who took his crown from him. I don't know who it is it couldn't be anyone of ours so how can this individual become the new Demon Lord without me declaring that he is the new Demon Lord. Yes this doesn't make any sense to me no sense at all. Amundane  it is the automated magical system that are ancestors set up that picked him. Yes it is the same way you know that Rosene was the Demon Lord. Yes yes I know that but how can this person be the new Demon Lord when he is not registered as one of the demons or monsters this does not make any sense. When the False Demigods was talking Robert can just make out what looks like several hundreds of .??????? Demons ???????. Marching this way with at least a thousand of what look like or could be called monsters of different varieties. Robert said shit this is a Anime reality yes most definitely a Isekai freaking Anime or Video Game reality no no no freaking way. And then Robert said Farsight and then he snapped his fingers and then he said Infinite Hearing and snapped his fingers again. About a minute and a half later he said crap they are coming for me and then he looked at Tarak and said at first I thought they was coming for you because you are the Hero. But it's not you it's me shit shit shit. And then Robert looked embarrassed he said I was just talking about God and here I am cursing Robert said God forgive me for all my sins please please forgive me God. And then he opened up his eyes and then he spread the leaves open again and snapped and said Kavada Cadabra several times and snapping every time he said it....... And one of the False Demigods who was watching the former Demon Lord army approaching Robert said no way it's another Wizard yes it has to be a Wizard. There should not be another Wizard on the game board. Where is the Kavada Cadabra coming from. One of the Demigods said over there from that tree where those children are camped at. They zoomed in upon the Hekey Tree. No way it is a Wizard and he is one of the Quincy's but he looks like he might be a Revenant. Yes he is a Revenant a very strong and very powerful 26,000 leveled Revenant. damn it damn it damn it the Demon Lord is only level 18,000 he has no chance on defeating him fucking crap. What is he doing there and is that his true age or is he pretending to be about 10 years old and role playing and trying to interfere in our game. Make contact with the Quincy's and see which one of them is disrupting our Game Board.

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