I cannot eat them because I must protect them.

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Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Noooooooo Ssssttttoooop. Aaaaaauuuuaaaa. Crunch crunch crunch rip rip rip. Hahahahaha. Slurp slurp crunch crunch smack smack smack Thump.......... Please Goddess Please Goddess yes protect us Goddess please please please help us Goddess....... Lord Ryan give me the strength to protect everyone I give you my heart and soul Ryan please help us and protect us. I may not be a warrior yet Ryan but please give me the strength to protect everyone. I sacrifice my blood for your strength O Lord Ryan......Tamarind please Tamarind O Tamarind Tamarind Tamarind help me help me Tamarind. Dozens of other prayers similar to this was taking place amongst the children inside of the wooden cage. And every one of them was afraid for their lives and scared out of theirs minds. For everything that they was hearing in the Darkness just outside of the illumination of the campfire. 15 minutes after the very last screams and chaos that took place within the Darkness. A terrible roaring and growls was heard and several crossbolts zoomed past the wooden cage. And several crossbolts was shot into the cage as well. And more growling and more terrible roars was heard. Several crashes and thumping could be heard within the darkness. Yes because a great fight and battle could be heard taking place in the Darkness. And then suddenly there was silence. And in the deathly silence after the battle a single crossbolt could be heard being locked in place. And those of them with exceptional hearing heard light footsteps coming closer to the cage and suddenly everyone could see a young boy around about the age of 10 holding a crossbow in his left hand and in his right he was holding a short sword covered in blood. And he was wearing finally gilded heavy leather armor slightly too big for his size and he was wearing Oak Bark Sandals. And when he was close enough for everyone to see he started grinning at them. This young warrior clad and slightly oversized leather armor was exceptionally handsome some might say even divinely beautiful almost if one of the children of the gods were standing in front of them before their very eyes. And he had Emerald Green Eyes and Raven Black Hair And his ears was slightly pointy not as pointed as a pure-blooded Elf ears would be more like a half elf would be like. And his teeths was slightly pointed as well. Yes he had a set of canines longer than some Beast Folks but not as prominent as the majority of the Beast Folks teeth could be. But his canines was very sharp. And his sharp fangs did not distract from his hypnotic and captivating smile. And his skin was pure pearl white yes his skin was far more perfect and flawless than any porcelain that was ever made and his pure white skin was shining and sparkling in the moonlight. Yes there couldn't be a more divinely handsome and perfect young boy anywhere in the 12 kingdoms. Hahaha. And for several moments all of the children were staring at him until the wind shifted and his sent was carried over to them. Every one of them was affected by his aroma but the Beast Folks was even more so every one of them pressed themselves against the Cage to get closer to him because of his heavenly sent that was coming from him. Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap calm down calm down do not give in please God do not let me give in. He started uncontrollably salivating for a few moments then he realized what he was doing and stopped it and he wiped away the saliva from his mouth and chin. And then he coughed twice and said if you would step away from the door to the cage I will let all of you out. And he gestured with the short sword and everybody stepped away from the door to the cage. And with one quick swipe with the sword he cut away the lock to the door and the door swung wide open. And he said would everyone please come out of the cage we will be leaving soon as possible there may be more of those creatures nearby we must be leaving now if we want to survive through the night. Yes everybody this way and he pointed to the west side of the ruins of the town. Oh yes did I forget about the town. Well did you expect the catacombs to be out somewhere in the wilderness. The catacombs was under the ruins of the ancient Town Raven Rock. And it has been abandoned for almost one thousand years and mostly being used for a caravan stop. And a small handful of individuals that has nowhere else to live is camping in the ruins most of them are transient but a small handful permanently live in the ruins of Raven Rock. But anyway after Robert organized all the children into two lines he started them going to where he wanted them to go. And right on the edge of the camp he took out a match from his pocket and lit it and then tossed it over his shoulder behind him. And a few seconds later the camp was on fire and a huge blaze consume what was left of the slaver's camp. He told the children to keep on moving hurry hurry hurry before any of the monsters come back. He made them go as fast as the slowest kid could jog. And 15 minutes later the oldest of the children one of the elves a young boy about 13 said please can we stop I have to ask you a few questions if you wouldn't mind. Yes if you wouldn't mind Lord Quincy because your arrival is very suspect and strange I have to address what had just happened tonight. Robert stared at him for a few moments and said why are you calling me Lord Quincy. And the young elf boy said because of your bracelets and necklace that you are wearing Lord Quincy. Crap crap crap crap crap how in the hell would he know about my family's name shit. It has been over 3.700 years since I have been in cryogenic stasis how can he know about my family's name how. Robert said could you please tell me where did you hear about my family's name Quincy if you wouldn't mind telling me please. And the young elf boy said I know about your family Lord Quincy they are part of the heavenly alliance you are one of the Divine Gods who lives in the heavenly realm. And even if I did not recognize your necklace and bracelets it is undeniable that you are one of the God's because of how you look and how you smell Lord Quincy. And your accent yes it sounds like you are more comfortable speaking English the Divine language of heaven then the mortal language of Connison. Robert stared at him for a few moments more and said you believe I am one of the God's. And Tarak said yes you are the Divine God Lord Quincy. And then he respectfully bowed and got down on his knees this triggered the other children to do the same. Crap crap crap crap crap I did not expect this to happen yes what am I going to do now crap crap crap crap. What seems like hours and hours to Robert passed by in a dazed and then suddenly he snapped out of his dazed stooper. Robert took a deep breath inside and said everybody look at me and when everybody was looking at him he said I know that all of you are hungry I have food and drink for every one of you. And I want to know how many of you who need me to heal them from any sickness or injuries. Never mind I will let every one of you have a good drink of my healing potions. Yes just in case anyone need to be healed. Robert opened up his fanny pack ans reached in to it and took out a box with his magical medical supplies and he opened up the box and started looking through his medicines supplies and he said Chocolate. Strawberry. Banana pudding. Raspberry. Or Root Beer. What the heck I'll let them have some Chocolate and some Root Beer flavored healing potion. He selected the potions and handed one of them to the nearest child and said take a good swig of it and give it to the next person near you. And he handed the other potion to a different kid and said do the same thing as well. And after everybody had a good drink of the healing potions he took the healing potions back and put them back into his medical box. And then he put the box back into his fanny pack. And then he took out several very beautiful and elaborate large Japanese lunch boxes or if you want to be more accurate Pinto Boxes. And he said what do everybody want to eat. Do you want to eat some Fried Chicken. Or some fried Catfish. Or a Hamburger. Or a deluxe Pizza. After a few moments when all the kids were staring at him with confusion plainly written on there face. He said crap I forgot you may not know what these foods are and he said Chicken is a seasoned and cooked bird. Catfish is a cooked fish. Hamburger is a meat sandwich????. Ok a Hamburger a piece of cooked meat between two pieces of bread with some cheese and pickles. And a Pizza is bread with meat cheese and tomato sauce. Trust me you may not know what these foods are but you will enjoy eating them. Yes whatever you want to pick to eat you will enjoy eating it. And he grinned at them showing them the different Pinto boxes. Much later about a hour after the night was over and it was the beginning of the new day all of the children's was in a makeshift camp Roberts supplied what they needed to make their camp. And about half of them were packing up the camp and getting ready to travel to the nearest town or settlement. And the other half of them was on guard duty making sure that there was no danger or any trouble. Robert is up in a tree trying to think about what he is going to do. Pondering about his new circumstances and how to deal with these children in this strange new world. And yes this is strange alien world because he is in a non-terrestrial world or a Isekai reality judging on how different the stars and plants and animals are here in this strange new place and reality. Yes because this is not earth most definitely this is not earth. O my God yes what am I going to do here in this new place and reality. Even this tree is very eerie and weird because this tree has bluish green leaves and pinkish red berries that is not edible and is very very toxic because of the different chemicals in it's biology. Crap crap crap crap I don't know what to do he said to himself when he is looking down at the children high above above them within this strange alien tree. And when Robert was pondering his new reality a group of High Ranking Adventurers call The Crimson Black Cats just came across what is left of the slaver's camp. Several of them spread out to expertly examine what was left of the camp discovering all of the evidence that was left after Robert and the children Departed. Mistress Tatiana over here I see this we have a Revenant yes a Revenant that is about physically between 10 to 12 years old judging by the barefootprints👣. Mistress Tatiana said how do you know it's not a regular child footprint. Mistress I can smell the sickly sweet aroma of a Revenant but the smell of this Revenant does not have any decay or rotten tendencies in it's aroma. And it is a very strong and very old Revenant judging on how very strong and potent the aromatic neurotoxins and pheromones this Revenant is producing. Mistress over here I have some more evidence of this Revenant another member of the Crimson Black Cats said. I found some of his disgusting paralyzing saliva. Please be very careful and do not touch or smell this neurotoxin for you could be paralyzed. Yes I found some of this Revenant drool right by the cage where the kids was being held in. But the Revenant is not barefooted anymore because it is wearing Oak Bark sandals 🩴🩴 now for some reason. And another member of the adventure group said I found more of it's barefootprints 👣 coming from a underground catacomb and it look like it broke out of the catacombs.

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