i won 4 games of total roblox drama today

657 13 24

ik its only the 5th chapter but this ones gonna be just team e-scope + owen bc theyre my favs

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Eva: i only ever see you awake, do you ever like shut down or stop running?
Izzy: oh, I’m always running
Izzy: the question is from what

Noah: i love sarcasm. It’s like punching people in the face, but with words.

*after the groups plan goes horribly wrong*
Noah: now it seems we're back at square one, finding izzy.
Owen: for the record, I already found her.
Eva: and you let her get away before we could have a meaningful conversation.
Owen: she stabbed me!
Noah: i'm surprised she waited this long, we've all had the urge.

Noah, setting down a card: ace of spades.
Owen, pulling out an uno card: plus four!
Izzy, pulling out a pokémon card: pikachu i choose you!
Eva: what the fuck are we playing

Izzy, holding a rock: owen just gave this to me and said "you deserve the moon but all I can give you is a rock"
Noah: If you don't marry him i will.

Noah: so you’re dating izzy?
Eva: what? no! I’m just buying her an accessory since she has terrible fashion sense.
Noah: that’s literally a wedding ring

Owen: so, are you two friends?
Izzy: yes.
Noah: no.

Owen: where's izzy?
Eva: i dont know, do you think i have her microchipped or something?
Eva: yeah i do, hang on–

Noah: so, how long have you and Izzy been together?
Eva: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Izzy and i are not together. No. No.
Noah: really? sixteen ‘nos’? really?

Eva: that was the worst throw ever. of all time.
Noah: not my fault. somebody put a wall in the way.

Izzy: sorry I'm late, i was doing stuff.

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