"you skinny penis big nippled freak you best get outta my house.."

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title is an albertsstuff quote that i was laughing at


Jo: we can't lose, because we have this. *points to her chest*
Brick: We have heart?
Jo: what? no, me. i'm pointing at myself. i'm going to win this for us.

Alejandro: do I least have a chance to explain myself?
Heather: this is america, so nope!
Lindsay: this isn't america, this is new york!

Zoey: mike's too tall for me to kiss him on the lips. what should I do?
Gwen: punch him in the stomach. Then, when he doubles over in pain, kiss him.
Cameron: tackle him!
Dakota: dump him.
Courtney: kick him in the shin!
Mike: No to all of those! Just ask me to lean down!!

Ezekiel: i got grounded for a whole week just because i came home late.
Heather: well, you deserved it. i mean, getting everyone's hopes up like that and then showing up again.

Leshawna: my future partner's gotta be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Harold: *eating ramen while watching anime with one of those weird anime hoodies on*
Leshawna: that one. i want that one.

Damien: wow, great work on the halloween decorations! where did you get the fake skeletons?
Lauren: fake?
(i love them sm aughsjkshs)

DJ, talking about Duncan's funeral: we're burying a great person today.
Noah, shocked: did someone else die?

Sierra: if you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?
Courtney: maybe a bit tipsy?
Heather: drunk.
Cody: wasted.
Gwen: dead.

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