bald nichelle is out to get me

184 4 8

reboot chapter again sorry but it's been sitting in the drafts😇😇


Julia: one half of me is a hopeless romantic and the other half is, well, an asshole.

Bowie: think you can unlock the door for us?
MK: sure, i just need a couple of things. emma, can I have your credit card?
Emma: sure, just make sure not to bend it.
MK: thanks. ripper, break down the door.
Emma: HUH??

Raj: Okay, two person huddle.
Bowie: You can't huddle with two people. This is just a hug.

Chase: yeah, I'll smoke a joint tonight, but let's not get too crazy.
*chase, ripper, and zee proceeds to get arrested for blocking the road in large traffic cone costumes*

Zee: how high was i last night?
Priya: damien tried showing you a video of a snake and you started crying.
Zee, tearing up: THEY DONT HAVE ARMS

Raj: When bowie was born, the gods said, "woah, he's too perfect for this world."
Millie: Please. When he was born, the devil said, "Oh, competition."

Damien: priya, I’m afraid.
Priya: Just stay close to scary girl.
Damien: That's why I’m afraid.

*after discussing a plan*
MK: Does anyone have any questions?
Raj: Is this legal?
MK: Does anyone have any relevant questions?

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