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Months had gone by since we took our field trip, but I still remembered it like it was yesterday. As my brother Gunwook and I walked to school, the hallways were already full of students chatting and catching up with their friends.

My brother and I parted ways as we approached the school. I went to my classroom, where I was greeted by my friends from the back of the room. But one voice stood out from them, and I felt a familiar flutter in my stomach. It was Yujin.

"g'morning hyewon!" 

Every day it seemed like my feelings for Yujin were growing, and I had no idea what to do about it. I tried to act normal, but I could feel my heart beating faster every time I saw him. I wanted to tell him how I felt, but I was too scared.

Before I knew it, the bell had rung and classes had started.


The class went by smoothly, luckily, the teachers didn't give us much work to take home.

As we all began to stand up and prepare to leave, Ms. Kwon entered the room unexpectedly. The class immediately quieted and turned to face her.

Ms. Kwon smiled brightly and announced that the school was preparing for a festival next month. She said that the event would be a chance for the students to show off their talents and creativity. Everyone was excited to hear the news, and the chatter filled the room as they discussed the upcoming event.

"You can all start planning by tomorrow for our class's booth"

The room was now filled with chatters, suggesting booths that we can do for the festival

"You can all share your suggestions tomorrow but for now go home and get some rest"



I was walking home with Gyuvin when I decided that it was time. I had been wanting to do it for a while now, but I never had the courage.

I was thinking of joining the talent show at the school's festival and, most importantly, finally confess my feelings to Hyewon, the girl I had been crushing on for months.

I looked at the person walking beside me and called him "Hey gyuvin"

"hmm?" He gave me a sidelong glance before returning his gaze to where he was walking.

"I was thinking if I should join the talent show at the festival next month..."

I was contemplating whether I should tell him my plan on confessing to hyewon or not

"and?? I know you got something else on your mind"

"...and maybe confess to hyewon"

"oh yeah, you should do that... WAIT YOU'RE GOING TO CONFESS?!?!?"

I could tell he was shocked since his eyes were wide open and his jaw was wide open.

"and how are you going to do that exactly?" 

"The song that I'll be singing will be dedicated to her and after that, I'll tell her how I feel toward her"

When I told Gyuvin about it afterward, he was ecstatic. He was proud of me for mustering up the courage to tell Hyewon how I felt like a proud dad.

Gyuvin was wiping his cheeks as if there were tears dripping down his cheeks and said, "My yujin is not a baby anymore... I'll help you out with your plan and so are the others"

I could only smile at his reply and continue walking towards home.

We soon reached my house and he said goodbye, giving me a hug and a bit of much-needed encouragement. He knew I was scared, but he also knew that I could do it.

I really hope I can



The next morning we all gathered in the classroom excitedly talking about the booth we were going to do for the school's festival. After a few ideas were thrown around, we all agreed on doing a photobooth – something fun that would allow students and teachers to take pictures with their friends.

We discussed how it would work and what materials we would need. We decided that the booth would be set up inside the school, with a colorful backdrop, some props, and a large camera.

Once the plans were finalized, we all started working on the project right away. We assigned groups in handling buying material, who would bring the camera and the schedule of shifts. We also agreed in using the class funds for the printing service for the booth.

My friends and I volunteered in buying the materials that we'll be needing for the booth and they give us a list of stuff to buy.

"let's go to the mall later after this so we could buy the things already" I told them and they agreed.

"Oh and maybe we could all hang out after" Haruto suggested.

"I can't later though, but I'll be joining you guys at the mall later... I-I just can't hang out right now" Yujin said.

"Me too!" gyuvin said putting his arm on yujin's shoulder.

"you too? what will you be doing?" ricky asked

"I'll be accompanying yujin, his mom asked me to go with him" 

"oh okay, then it'll be just us four then" Yuna said. 

Something wasn't quite right, but I just shrugged it off.

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