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We were all finished with our lunch so we all decided to head back to our room.

"Hey did you guys hear about the new cafe down the street? We should check it out after class"

All of us agreed to ricky's suggestion. One of the things that we all have in common is going to cafes, well I'm not sure about yujin but me and my friends normally hang out at different cafes but we mostly hang out at my mom's cafe.

"I'll text Gunwook later and tell him I'll be going home with you guys"


'who's gunwook?'

does she have a boyfriend already? I mean not that I care if she has one or not... I'm just curious yeah that's all

Well since it was the first day of school the teachers allowed us to talk to our classmates since there was nothing to do, they also announced that regular classes wouldn't start till next week.

I was worried about transferring schools since it's kinda hard for me to talk to other people, well unless they approach me first but I guess I don't need to worry that much anymore.

"Hey guys gunwook texted me and he wants to tag along with his friends"

"Yeah the more the merrier" haruto exclaimed

'should I ask them about that gunwook guy... nah I'll probably know later'


'three...two...one' I counted as I watch the clock change, and then the school bell rang meaning classes are over.

"Let's go, gunwook told me to meet them by the gates" I told them as I slung my backpack onto my back. 

As we got closer to the school entrance, I caught sight of my brother, who was too preoccupied with his phone to notice us.

"Gunwook!" gyuvin shouted, waving his hand in the air to get Gunwook's attention. He then looked up from his phone and waved back.

"I thought your friends were coming?" I was confused as he was waiting by himself."Changed plans, so where is the new cafe you're talking about? I'm starving," he said as he threw his arm over my shoulders.

We walked for only 10 minutes to the newly opened cafe. The bell above the entrance door rang, signaling that someone had entered. The warm, pleasant, and welcoming aroma of coffee beans and vanilla greeted us as we entered the cafe. It has a pleasant ambiance with warm colors, mellow music playing in the background, and a variety of people using laptops and phones, chatting with friends, and paging through books. For a newly opened shop, I'm amazed that they already have so many customers.

After scanning around the place, we shortly looked for a place to sit. When we found a spot to sit, I offered to keep an eye on the stuff and let them take my order.

"Heywon, I'm going to pay for ours, and I'm assuming you'll take whatever has caramel on it since that's what you usually order," gunwook stated, getting me to nod in reply.


I was going to ask her what she wanted to order, but he beat me to it.

We returned to our seats after a few minutes of waiting and receiving our orders. I sat across from Hyewon since Gunwook was already seated next to her.

"Thank you, gunwook," Hyewon said with a large smile on her face.


"By the way, Gunwook meet Yujin, Yujin, this is Gunwook, he's a grade ahead of us"

"Ah so you're the guy my classmates were talking about, nice to meet you," he said, holding out his hand for me to shake, and I accepted it with a smile.

We talked for a few hours and got to know each other better, but I still don't know what hyewon and gunwook are, but I enjoyed their company otherwise. I became more comfortable with Gyuvin because he is the most talkative in the group. We were talking so much that we didn't notice it was growing dark.

We thought about going home since we still have school tomorrow, so we said our goodbyes and parted ways, except for Gyuvin, who mentioned that their house is close to ours so we decide to go together. I also noticed that Gunwook and Hyewon went home together, perhaps their houses are nearby.

should I ask gyuvin?

There's nothing wrong with me asking, right?

"gyuvin... hyewon and gunwook what are they?"

"hyewon and gunwook? They're siblings, didn't Hyewon mention that earlier?"

"No, that's why I assumed it was her boyfriend or something because they seem pretty close."

"HAHAHA Gunwook is really like that with Hyewon, the two of them are really close, plus gunwook is a bit overprotective towards hyewon, we often have him with us when we go"

"Why? Were you jealous earlier? Don't tell me you liked Hyewon already, but I won't blame you Hyewon is easy to like Hyewon is kind, beautiful, and cheerful. I used to have a crush on her when we were in elementary school"

"HEY, I WASN'T JEALOUS, OKAY...I-I WAS JUST CURIOUS, THAT'S ALL," I stammered. I could feel my cheeks heating up; luckily, it was rather dark, so he wasn't able to see the flushing of my cheeks.

"HAHAHA okay, whatever you say, but from now on I'm shipping you with her because you two would be so cute together." I then rolled my eyes and let him think whatever he want.

I've never liked somebody before, so I'm not sure what it's like.

"This is our house; I'll see you tomorrow," I said as we approached our gate.

"Oh so you're the ones who have just moved in that mom was talking about, that's our house" he replied, pointing to a house not far away.

"OK, I'll get going; let's go to school together tomorrow, I'll wait for you here outside"

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," I said as I was ready to enter the home when Gyuvin stopped me."Oh, I forgot to ask for your number," we exchanged numbers and bid our goodbyes.

shit, I forgot to ask for Hyewon's number. Oh well, I'll have to ask her tomorrow.



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