♡ 16 ♡

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I had just arrived at school when I heard a buzz of voices coming from the hallway. I knew something was up, so when I reached my classroom I asked my friends what was going on. They told me that students were talking about a possible field trip.

At that moment, our homeroom teacher walked in the door and said, "Most of you may have heard it already, but rumors are true. We're going on a three-day field trip!"

The classroom erupted in cheers. We had all been cooped up in the classroom all year and we were ready to get out and explore.

"We have already sent the forms to your parents through their emails. We will be leaving next week, Wednesday"

Ms. Kwon informed us that during our three-day vacation, we will visit a camping site and engage in outdoor pursuits including hiking, canoeing, and other activities. Additionally, the school will be treating us to a trip to an amusement park before we return because we all did well on our tests.

The whole class was abuzz with excitement as she told us where we were going

My friends and I discussed what clothes to bring, and what snacks to pack, and made plans to go on all the rides.

"This is going to be fun!"


The days leading up to the trip seemed to take forever, but we all managed to get through the schoolwork and be ready when the day finally arrived.

I had been looking forward to the field trip for days. Our class was piling onto the bus. Ms. Kwon was handing out seat assignments as we got on.

"You have the freedom to choose who you want to sit with" she said with a smile.

I had been hoping to sit with Yuna, but before I could ask her, Haruto had already beaten me to it. She gave him a shy smile and agreed to sit with him.

"I was suppose to sit with her" I told haruto

"well too bad, go find someone else" he replied

"We'll just take the same row as yours" yuna then said.

I started to look around for another seatmate. That's when my eye caught Yujin's. My heart skipped a beat. He was looking for someone to sit with, too. He caught my eye and gave me a shy smile.

I decided to take a chance and walked over to him. "Do you want to sit together?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded. "Sure" he said.

 We loaded up the bus and headed off to our destination.

Ms. Kwon informed us that the camping sight was a bit far and it would take us five hours to get there. We all groaned but eventually settled into our seats on the bus and tried to make the most of the journey. I sat at the window seat while yujin is beside me. Haruto and Yuna were sitting across from us while gyuvin and ricky were at the seats behind us.

While our other friends were busy and occupied with their own things, I and Yujin decided to watch a movie on my phone. We shared snacks, laughed at the funny parts, and had a great time. It was nice to have a moment of peace during the long journey.

I've been wanting to watch this movie for weeks so, I was determined to stay awake. But when the movie started, my eyelids got heavier and heavier. Try as I might, I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Just as I was about to surrender and lean my head against the window of the bus,  Yujin spoke up.

"It will be uncomfortable for you if you lean against the window," he said, offering his shoulder.

I hesitantly accepted, and soon I was snuggled up against him, my head resting comfortably against his shoulder.

At first, I was afraid to fall asleep. I was embarrassed at the thought of my classmates seeing me resting against Yujin like that. But I soon realized that no one was paying attention. They were all deep in their conversations, and I began to feel safe and secure in his embrace.

The warmth of his body radiated through me, and I slowly drifted off to sleep. I felt so peaceful in his arms

"both of you be quiet, you'll wake them up"

"gyuvin stop pushing"

"hey your arm is in the way"

"can't you see I'm busy here"

"they look so cute"

I woke up to the sound of hushed whispers and flashes of light. I slowly opened my eyes to find my friends with their phones, taking pictures of me and Yujin. I was surprised at first, but then I felt a heavy weight on my head and realized Yujin had fallen asleep on top of my head. We both must have dozed off.

I sighed happily, remembering how comfortable I had felt with Yujin's head resting on mine. I glanced around the room and saw my friends still taking pictures and started teasing us.

As I looked up, Yujin's eyes slowly opened and he smiled at me. He sat up and apologized for falling asleep on me, but I assured him it was alright.

On the day of the trip, the bus was filled with laughter. As we pulled into the camping site, we were all in awe of the clear blue lake and lush green trees.


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