'*•.¸♡ 5 ♡¸.•*'

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Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of classes. We picked up our bags so we could begin going around the campus. We then bid our goodbyes to gyuvin and the others since they won't be coming with us due to their so-called 'plans' while yujin and I will be staying here for an hour or so because I still need to show him around school. 

"let's go? so that we can finish before it gets dark" I said to the guy next to me

The school walls were illuminated by the warm light of the afternoon sun. The light slanted through the window, casting a dance of little dust dots. 

When we exited the classroom, we saw a few of the students were simply loitering. Some were introducing new students to the area, while others were just hanging out.

I quickly began to show him the offices that he might need to be familiar with. Additionally, I showed him the science and computer labs that we might use once classes begin. Aside from the library, I also showed him the ideal locations for resting and finding peace and quiet.

"And this is the school's garden, I frequently hang out here when I want to unwind and get away from people...you can come here whenever you want, I don't mind sharing my favorite spot" I said as I gave him a smile.

"Do the others go here as well?" he asked as he took a seat on a bench.

"Nope, just me. I'm not even sure if they know that I come here often" I answered while taking a seat next to him. 

"so that does mean we're the only ones who go here?"

"hmm well, I suppose you could say that."

He looked at me and said, "I guess you'll be sharing this space with me starting today onward" His smile appeared like a hologram on his face. 

After finishing, he looked in front of him, loving the way the breeze made the lovely flowers dance.

His light-toned face contrasts beautifully with his unfathomable, brown in color eyes. He has eyes that when you looked into them for too long you might get lost in them. His eyes were wrinkled by his grin. Because of the way he carried himself, he was able to stand out in a crowd. He seems nice and innocent.

"is there something in my face?" I then snapped back to reality as I heard him speak. 

"w-what?" I asked not getting what he said a few seconds ago.

"I'm asking if there's something on my face, you've been staring at me for the past few minutes" he said. I can see a tint of red starting to appear on his ears

I didn't even notice that I was staring at him for too long 

"I- I wasn't staring at you... I was looking at the view behind" I said as an excuse hoping that he would buy it.

"hmm okay if you say so" he said as he giggled quietly, obviously not convinced by what I said.

We grew close to one another as I spent my entire time in the garden talking with Yujin. As we conversed and shared something about ourselves. 

"I guess that's all for now" I said receiving a nod from him.

The sky was tinted warm orange by the sun's slanting beams as it set. He then grabbed my wrist to stop me from walking as I said my goodbyes.

"let me take you home" 

"no it's okay, I can go home by myself" I said declining his offer to take me home.

"no it's getting late, it's not safe for you to walk home alone" he then replied

"I live nearby, so you don't need to worry," I said, "it's totally fine."

"I insist, and besides you've mentioned earlier that your house is close to here so it's not a big of a deal if I drop you off"


"No, that's it; whether you like it or not, I'm walking you home."

He implied that's why I have no choice but to agree to what he wants.

We were walking towards my house and I just noticed that he was still holding my hand.

should I tell him or just leave it alone?

"This is my house, thank you for walking me home yujin" I said and smiled at him.

"Alright, go inside first, I'll go once get inside"

"Alright, I'll go ahead now, walk safely and text me when you get home"

"alright, bye hyewon, I'll see you tomorrow"

He was about to leave when someone spoke from behind me.

"hyewon what are you still doing out here, it's getting cold- oh who is this" she asked, looking at yujin.

"oh mom this is yujin, a new friend of mine from school" 

"well it's nice to meet you yujin. why don't you join us for dinner, come inside, I'm almost done cooking"

After a few minutes of convincing, yujin had no other choice but to get inside the house because mom had compelled him to.

"gyuvin? ricky? what are you guys doing here?" I saw them on the sofa playing with gunwook as soon as I entered the living room.

"a-ah umm gunwook invited us because he said he has a new game"

"What the hell are y-" Gunwook's mouth was suddenly covered by gyuvin, preventing him from continuing to speak

I simply shrugged my shoulders.

"yujin just sit there and make yourself at home, I'll just change my clothes" I told him and went up to my room to change.

After I changed into comfortable clothes, right after I got down, mom finished cooking dinner so I then went to the table. We had all taken our seats and started eating.

"So what did you do earlier hyewon you didn't go home with gunwook?" mom suddenly ask

"Ah, I've been tasked with showing Yujin around the school"

"oh I see, so how was it? how are you liking the school so far?" suddenly mom looked at yujin so he stopped eating.

"If I were to compare it to my old school, the school was nice, there were lots of good places to hangout, and the students were also friendly" he remarked.

Gyuvin abruptly asked, "did you enjoy Hyewon's company?"

"I did, she's a good company" he said, turning to my direction then smiled.

I had to restrain myself from smiling when he said it because Gyuvin and Mom were here.

"Well, I'm happy to hear that." I responded.

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