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"you're overreacting again gunwook" I said to him.

"you can't blame me, it's rare for you to put on makeup" he replied.

"anyways, go down already, your date is downstairs" he added as he went out of my room


Yuna and I went down to be greeted by my mom, gunwook, and yujin. I couldn't help but smile when I saw him. He was wearing a kind similar outfit to mine and we looked like we had matched our clothes, he was wearing a white plain shirt with a pair of denim jeans.

"hi" I said, my smile not leaving my face.

"you ready?" he asked as I nodded as I lead him towards the front door.

"look at your sister going on a date while you just play with your games on the TV" I heard my mom say.

"MOM~" gunwook whined as I let out a giggle.

Yuna smiled and assured me I looked perfect for my date. I thanked her with a hug, and we parted ways. 

"enjoy you two, don't come home too late!" mom shouted from the living room as yujin and I waved them goodbye after closing the door and started to make our way to the bus stop.

On the way there, we got a few looks from passersby. I think some people were wondering if we were a couple, but we just shrugged it off and kept walking.


The pair arrived at the mall and went straight to the movie theater. They strolled up to the ticket counter and stood in line for a few minutes. Yujin had already decided what movie they were going to see, and Hyewon was excited to go along with his choice.

Once they reached the counter, the two bought their tickets and then went into the theater. They chose seats at the back, as both of them both liked having the option to stretch out their legs.

"do you like horror movies?" yujin asked, hoping the girl would say no

"I guess you could say that I and the others usually watch them whenever they sleep over at our house" she said.

Yujin bit his lip, understanding that his idea for action could require some adjustment. He thought that if Hyewon got scared he could calm her like the male leads does in films.

"what about you?"

he said, "yeah, they're nice." as she hummed in agreement.

As the movie started, Yujin found himself more focused on Hyewon than on the movie. He stole glances at her when she wasn't looking, admiring her beauty as the movie played on. He found himself wondering what it would be like to hold her hand or feel her embrace.

"Is there anything in my face?" she asked.

Yujin shrugged his shoulders and smiled softly. "No, I just wanted to look at you."

The fact that it was dark made Hyewon grateful since otherwise, she knew his face would have been as red as a tomato.

"eyes at the screen then" she whispered as she sighed a breath of relief because she didn't stutter. 

They both then focused their attention on the large screen in front of them. Yujin was surprised to find himself getting scared at the scenes. He was so startled by the jump scares that he kept grabbing onto hyewon, making the girl beside her laugh. 

By the end of the movie, Yujin was sulking because his plan backfired and hyewon was comforting him instead of the other way around. She found it funny, but also cute, because of how the boy clung to her arm as he tries to bury his head on her shoulder because he was so scared of all of the jump scares. She hugged him close and told him it was okay to be scared sometimes.

On their way to hyewon's house, they talked about the movie they watched and the conversations kept flowing until they reached their destination. Although the movie had been a horror, they both felt a sense of comfort in each other's presence, especially yujin.

"even if I did got scared I still had fun" yujin said

hyewon then smiled and nodded, "I really enjoyed tonight yujin"

"I hope we could do this again some other time"

"of course, we could, let's come with the others next time" hyewon then said

 yujin a step a little closer to hyewon and said, "I mean we could but what I meant was I hope we could do this again, just the two of us" 


Yujin's expression remained serious as he asked, "Is that okay with you?" His face was only a few inches away from hers; one wrong move and something might happen.

Hyewon breathed in the hopes that it would slow down her racing heartbeat.

"y-yeah, I'm uh I'm good with that" she replied.


Yujin's serious face then turned into a smile "Good night then hyewon, sweet dreams I'll see you in practice tomorrow!"

"y-yeah good- good night" 

I entered the house right away after Yujin left after being startled to hear someone speaking near the door.

Gunwook was leaning against the wall and he had a smirk on his face as he asked, "so what was that all about hmm???"


"Your face says otherwise," he giggles, pointing at my flushed cheeks

"J-just shut up!" I said and left Gunwook downstairs before he could start teasing me again.

how am I supposed to sleep?!

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