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I was walking to school along the sidewalk when it was still slightly dark. I struggled forward, unable even to keep my eyelids open.

I wasn't able to sleep properly, my mind constantly drifting back to Yujin.

"You look fine last night, but right now you look like a girl straight out of a horror movie."  

I didn't need to turn around to see who it was.

"Whatever gunwook"

He tried to keep me upright by wrapping a supporting arm around my shoulder.

"the hell sis, did you even sleep last night?"

I shook my head and replied, "doesn't matter" hoping he would drop the topic. Thankfully, he did, and we continued our peaceful walk to school.

"I'll get you to your room" he said, still has his arms wrapped around my shoulder. 

As gunwook and I got to my room, I was relieved that the teachers were in a meeting, leaving the students with free time.

"do you want anything?" he asked as we reached my seat 

"coffee" I replied

"aight, I'll check if the cafeteria has coffee" he said and went out of our room.

As my eyelids are about to close, I decided to take a nap while waiting for my friend Gunwook to bring me some coffee.

I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes, but no matter how tired I was, I couldn't seem to fall asleep. I could hear the faint buzz of conversation inside our classroom, but it wasn't enough to lull me into a peaceful sleep. I was about to give up when I heard the sound of the door opening.

I opened my eyes and saw yujin along with guyvin and ricky at his back, walking in with two cups of coffee in his hands. He smiled when he saw me and handed me one of the cups. I took it gratefully and thanked him as he took the seat next to me.

My phone then buzzed to see a message from gunwook that he has something to do with his groupmates so he won't be able to come back and he told yujin to give me my coffee instead.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the warmth of the coffee. yujin finally broke the silence by asking me what was keeping me up so late.

"i-it's nothing" I stuttered

As I finished my cup of coffee, I had been propping my head up on the table, trying to get some sleep. 

Yujin noticed and offered his shoulder instead. "Why don't you just lean on me, so you can sleep properly?" he asked.

At first, I was too shy to take him up on his offer, but eventually, I was about to decline when he gently placed my head on his shoulder. 

"Just sleep, hyewon. We have practice later, you need energy"

I rested my head comfortably on his shoulder and closed my eyes, and soon I was fast asleep.

"sweet dreams, hyewon"

The next thing I knew, it was lunchtime. I was woken up by Yujin gently shaking my shoulder, Yujin and I were the only ones left in the classroom. I thanked him for lending me his shoulder as a makeshift pillow. He just smiled and waved me off.

"come, gyuvin and the others are already in the cafeteria" he said as he reached his hand that I gladly took.

Yujin and I were eating lunch with our friends. Everyone was having their own conversations.

I took a bite of my sandwich and looked over at Yujin. "So your house or my house later?" I asked.

"well since we went to your house the other day, let's do it in my house" yujin said

"I can't wait to show everyone what we've come up with" he added and smiled

We talked about the dance, how excited we were, what moves can we add, and how we had to make sure we remembered all the steps.

Our friends were looking at us strangely, and then ricky asked, "What dance are you two talking about?"

We both looked at each other and laughed. We were so caught up in our own world, we'd almost forgotten that our friends didn't know what we were up to for Mr. Lee's project.

"you'll know soon" I said not wanting to spoil what we're planning for the project.


The school bell rang signaling that it was already dismissal. Yujin and I grabbed our bags and raced out of the school building. We made our way to Yujin's house, talking and laughing along the way.

We arrived at his house and went straight for the living room.

"where's your mom?" I asked

"Oh uhm she visits the cafe she owns every Wednesday, so I assume she is still there"

"What time does the cafe stay open?" I asked

"until 9 I think, why do you ask?" 

"I want to come and take a look at the cafe your mom owns hehe"

"let's go after practice"


We both started stretching out and warming up.

After stretching, we started off the practice with the steps we had finished last time. We moved through the routine with ease and began to add some new moves we had been working on.

As we added each new move, we felt our routine come together. We moved with grace and energy, our bodies in sync with each other. We twirled and leaped, adding in turns and arm movements.

We went over the routine five times, pointing out any mistakes and making sure we had it all down. After the fifth run-through, we decided to call it a day.

We were both exhausted from all the practice, but we were also both hungry. We then head over to yujin's mom's cafe as planned.

When we arrived, Yujin was beaming with pride. His mom had put up decorations in the cafe and it was bustling with activity. We all stepped inside, taking in the delicious aromas of coffee and pastries.

"Ah yujin, hyewon I'm surprised to see you here"

Yujin's mom welcomed us with a big smile and asked us what we wanted. The both of us ordered different drinks and snacks, from iced tea to cupcakes. She was so kind and generous, giving us extra snacks and drinks on the house.

As we ate, we talked about different stuff and our dance practice. We shared stories and laughter, and it felt like time had stopped. We almost forgot about our empty stomachs and the exhaustion that had weighed us down earlier.

When we finished our snacks, I thanked Yujin's mom for her hospitality and headed back home, Yujin and his mom insisted on taking me home but I declined their offer since I don't want to bother them more. I felt a little bit more energized and happy that we had taken the time to enjoy each other's company and eat some delicious food.

Sweet Dream || Han Yujin ✓Where stories live. Discover now