♡ 18 ♡

350 18 1

It was our last day on the camping site and we were all packing up our things, saying our goodbyes, and taking the last pictures. Everyone was feeling a little bit sad, as we had all had a wonderful time camping and exploring the outdoors.

But we knew it was time to go, so we all loaded up our gear onto the buses and headed towards an amusement park.

"H-hey yujin can I use your shoulder for a bit? I'm a bit dizzy" I shyly asked, still a bit embarrassed from our little incident from yesterday.

To my surprise, he agreed.  "yeah sure" he replied with a smile.

He even offered to lend me the other piece of his earphone so we could both listen together. 

"Here. I figured since you're using my shoulder, I'll give you the other piece of my earphone so you can enjoy the music with me"

The music was soothing and calming, and I felt my dizziness melting away as we listened.

My heart once again started to flatter by his gesture and thanked him for it. We sat in silence for the rest of the trip to the amusement park, listening to songs from his playlist together.

The class erupted in excitement as the bus pulled up to the entrance of the amusement park. We could finally get off the bus and explore all the fun rides and attractions.

"Be back here by 7:30" Ms. Kwon said as we all excitedly left the bus.

The air was cool and the sky was cloudy, but we knew the sun was sure to peak out later.

We couldn't wait to explore the amusement park. It was bright and colorful, and the noise of the rides and screams made us giggle in anticipation.

"So where do you guys wanna go first?" I asked excitedly

"THERE"  gyuvin pointed behind me, as I turned around I saw a huge ass rollercoaster.

"I-I don't think that's a good-" I was cut off when they start to make their way to the rollercoaster, "idea"

"hey, you alright?" yujin who was still beside me asked

"y-yeah, let's go" I said, not wanting him to know that I was a bit scared. As I was about to walk towards the ride a hand grabbed mine.

"hey if you're scared you don't have to ride, I'll stay here with you" yujin said as I can see that 

"no I'm fine, really let's go" I said

He didn't seem to mind that he was still holding my hand, so I let him be

"What took you too long?" yuna asked as they save us a spot.

"I tied my shoelace" I lied

We stood in line for what seemed like forever, and then it was finally our turn. I sat beside him, my heart pounding in my chest.

"h-here, hold my hand" He noticed my fear and offered me his hand. I hesitantly took it, my heart beating faster now. I wasn't sure if it was because of him or the ride.

The ride began slowly, I held onto the bar tightly as the coaster slowly made its way up the hill. It quickly sped up as it went along. I closed my eyes as the coaster made its way down the steep slope, I held on to Yujin's hand for dear life, my knuckles turning white.

"AHHHHHH MAKE THIS STOP" I screamed my lungs out as the guy beside me just laughed it off.

When the ride finally ended, we stepped off the rollercoaster, still holding hands. We looked at each other, the smile on his face never left. 


We went on a few more rides and then stopped for something to eat. 

"can someone buy me churros" I asked

"I'll buy them for you" yujin said. I was about to give him my money when he walked towards the stand.

"So, what's going on with you two? I'm not blind and stupid not to notice the two of you almost together at the campsite oh and you two holding hands a while ago" Yuna said and gave me a teasing smile.

"There's nothing going on between us, I swear" 

"here, you don't have to pay me back... It's my treat" he said.


We grabbed some drinks and then headed over to the carousel. We went round and round, laughing and enjoying the view from the top of the horses.

"let's ride the Ferris wheel before we leave" yuna suggested as the others agreed.

After the ride at the carousel, we went and tried playing games at the booths. My friends and I were filled with excitement as we saw the colorful booths with big prizes on display. I decided to try my luck at a shooting game. I took a deep breath, carefully aiming at the targets and pulling the trigger. Unfortunately, I missed the shot

"We'll try one more" We turned our heads to the person who spoke, yujin then paid as he grabbed the gun, focusing and aiming at the target, he pulled the trigger and... HE HIT THE BULLSEYE!

We were so surprised! We cheered him on and congratulated him on his win. He walked towards me and handed me the stuffed animal, "here" 

I then heard squeals from our friends

"But that's yours though"

"I won it for you though" He replied with a big smile on his face. 



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