Chapter Eight

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     "Sorry to interrupt your moment but Kairo needs to eat" Nic said while fake coughing. Both Ezra and Kairo is a little surprise and let go of eachother.

    Nic put the slightly hot meal in the table next to Kairo's bed for him to eat.

    "After eating your meal. I'll check your condition and give you some medicine to drink. Some are bitter but please indure it" he said to Kairo. "Okay" Kairo replied, nodding his head obediently.

    'cute' Nic thought while holding his heart who was just shot by an invisible arrow.

    When Kairo finished his meal, Nic check his pulse and temperature. "All the results are normal now. You don't have a fever but you are still a little weak. You need to rest more. Here are the medicines and vitamins for you" he said and gave Kairo four different pills.

   Kairo ate them all even when some are bitter than the other. Ezra nodded in satisfaction and give Kairo a pat in the head as a reward.

    "Good boy"

    Kairo smiled happily, enjoying his reward. "Here eat this candy to reduce the bitter taste. Don't worry it's okay for you to eat it" Nic said enterupting yet another of their moment. Ezra stop patting Kairo's head.

   If it wasn't him who cured Kairo from his fever, he would have growled and bite him for ending his reward shortly.

   Nic saw his angry face, he just smiled helplessly and give him the orange flavored candy. He personally made it for his patients to eat as a reward for being good.

    Not long after, Kairo fell asleep again. Ezra put the blanket over him, so he wouldn't be cold and walk towards Nic who is cleaning some of his tools.

   "Thank you for helping me heal him and for the advice you gave to me. I'm very grateful of your help" she said. Nic looks at her and smiled. "It's nothing, it's my job anyway so don't thank me" he replied.

    Ezra then take a thousand of dollars from her pocket and place it to Nic's hand. Nic, stared at the money in his hands with wide eyes. This is too much!! He could buy a big house with this money and still have some left!!

   Nic looks at Ezra and to the money twice then put the stack and money back to Ezra's hand.

   "Don't worry about the fee, it's all free so take away the money" he said "no, please keep it. I barged in your clinic last night without your consent, so it's only right for me to give or do something for you" Ezra said firmly.

    Nic looks at Ezra serious face and realize that she will never change her mind so he sighed in resignation.

    "Your really stubborn aren't you? Okay I will give you errands for you to do as a payment for healing Kaito but that's all okay?" Nic said. Ezra wanted to protest but seeing Nic's glare she can only nod her head in agreement.

    "I will give you the list of the errands later. First, sleep. You didn't get any z's last night so rest even for a little bit" Ezra nodded again and lays beside Kairo.

    Even when she doesn't admit it, Nic knows that she is tired so it's a good idea to let her rest. Before she stubbornly put a bundle of money again in his hand.

   He almost have a heart attack the first time she put money in his hands. He doesn't want that to happen again

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