Chapter Twenty-Four

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    After tending the garden and having a hearty dinner, Ezra told Kairo and Coby that she wanted to take them to a beautiful place. Without hesitation, both of them agreed and followed her out of the house and into the woods.

    It is already late at night and the three of them are walking away from the usual road again like last time.

     Many creatures of the night are already awake and are hunting their own food. They ignore Ezra's team as they search from high to low.

     They are already accustomed about each others present. As long as they don't bother each other, they can coexist in this forest and be neighbors, so it's okay. Both team secretly made this agreement and abid to it strictly.

    "Master, where are you taking us?" Kairo ask, looking around the forest. Kairo has a very good eye sight, so he can see every detail on the dark.

    "You will find out soon" Ezra cuts some vine to make way for Kairo and Coby.

     "Ezra, let me do the cutting for you" Coby said and reach out towards Ezra to take the sword away from her, but Ezra dodge his metal hands.

    "Master I will also help clear the road!!"

     "It's okay Coby, Kairo, let me take care of this. You just need to follow okay?"

     Both Kairo and Coby wanted to refuse but agreed obediently after seeing Ezra's gaze.

    Not long after their walk, Ezra finally cleared the path and walks into a very good condition abandoned campsite on top of a hill.

    Kairo immediately search around and Coby looks here and there.

    The campsite has long been abandoned by hikers. There are still some old things left, but with a little cleaning her and there, it will be perfect again.

      From the campsite, you can see the bright stary night above and the beautiful lights from the two City at the bottom. It's a very stunning place to be in.

Kairo and Coby: ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧

     "Are we going to camp here tonight?" Coby said as he inspects around.

     Ezra nodded and took out some things from her space like a big tent, some food to barbeque, sleeping bags, etc.

      "Master!! Master!! The view around here is so beautiful!! How did you find this place!??" Kairo's eyes are on Ezra with shining stars inside them.

     "I found this place yesterday when I'm on my way home. I thought that you will like this, so I took you here" she simply said and arranged all the things from the space.

      "Let me help you" Coby came over and organized the barbeque set.

    Ezra finish arranging the tent and started to start the fire. She took some meat from the tray but Kairo beat her to it.

     "Master, let me do this. You already made dinner for us! You must be exhausted, so let us serve  you this time!"

     Kairo didn't even wait for Ezra's answer and led her to the clean mat neatly place on the grass and sat her down. He then serve her some snacks and goes to Coby who is starting cooking some skewers and barbeque.

  Ezra could only watch them from the distance and started eating.

     She doesn't need food but after living with Coby and Kairo, it became her hobby and entertainment. Its also because they will nag her if she doesn't eat, saying that she will get sick if she doesn't, which is impossible by the way.

   'this will be the last peaceful night for us' Ezra thought and sip her tea.

     She already planned for everything that might happen tomorrow. She trust her intuition very much, it's one of her abilities after all.

     She gaze at Coby and Kairo who are fighting over the food. A small arch formed in her mouth that quickly disappeared as it quickly appeared.

     "I will never loss someone important to me again. I promise that"

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