Chapter Twenty-Seven

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     Ezra sat on a log in front of the camera. She looks at the comments and almost couldn't read them because of how fast it passes.

    "Good evening all humans. I'm here to verify something you all misunderstood. I didn't do any of your accusations, so let me clear all this mess up" she said coldly on the camera that even all viewers could feel chills down their spines

     "Your government are corrupt, your so called leader is lying. They're the one who spread the pandemic to sell cure to gain more money, but because I bit them to it, they are taking revenge by pinning it all to me. I don't know why but that crazy of leader of yours is obsessed with my blood, I'm not like my sisters. And if all of you do not believe me, I don't care. Just know that I've said it all that's all"

      "Ezra have sisters!?!"

      "How come we didn't know this??"

      "Does that mean Ezra's sisters blood are special?"

      "What's so special about them??"

      Ezra saw many comments asking for more information about her sisters. She just stares at them more coldy and choose not to answer.

      'Its best for them not knowing anything. Its for both sides own good'

     Suddenly, when everyone was busy discussing Ezra's sister, one viewer notice a huge black shadow running towards Ezra and warns her.

     "Hero!! Look out!!"

     But it was too late, the shadow jump to Ezra.

     "Master~~~ why are still awake?? When I woke up, I didn't see you so looked around" Kairo ask as he lays his huge body on Ezra's lap.

     Ezra cold eyes softened and rubs Kairo's body. Everyone saw this and is shocked once more. Didn't everyone said Ezra don't have any emotions?? So, what's this?!?

     "Sorry, did I wake you up??"

     "No, I just miss you" he answers with a mix purs. Enjoying his master touch.

     "It's an intelligent beast!!! Hero, is he your pet??"

     "Its must be! Ezra tamed him!!"


     Ezra was busy giving Kairo scratches but when she saw the comment she paused for a moment and cover Kairo eyes and ears. Kairo was confused but didn't struggle and cooperated to her, not moving much.

     "Kairo is not my pet, he is my family. Don't ever and I mean ever call her my pet. You should be thanking him because he is the reason why I made such troublesome cure for a human made pandemic" she said more coldly than they ever saw and once again the comments were silent, the viewers who commented about Kairo being a pet were regretful.

     Ezra stood up and walks towards the camera elegantly. She wasn't in the mood now to explain anymore and everyone saw this. They didn't say anything more, knowing that they did something wrong.

    "Before I finish this live broadcast, president. I have a present for you president. I hope you'll like it" she said

     The live broadcast then turned black for a second and another video started to play. It showed a little lively girl running on the garden, laughing and smiling chasing a dog. It looks like a normal happy days to everyone. The little girl is the president niece.

     Everyone is confused on what is Ezra trying to show them, so they continued on watching, enjoying the show.

     Unlike them, the presidents face turn ash as he looks at the happy face of his niece.

    "Turned it off!!!! Turned it off!!! Didn't you say you erase all the evidence!?!?"

     "We couldn't do anything sir and we don't know where she got them. Ezra put a strong virus to all of our computer and its stealing our secret files" the assistant said nervously


      As the video gets longer it became darker. On the next scene, the girl was on the operating room with many people dress on white lab jacket. They injected many unknown substances on her. The girl desperately cried for them to stop but they kept on going.

     On the final scene, they tortured the girl and record all the information on a board. After realising that they failed, they abandoned her to die.

    The broadcast then turned black and a new scene was shown. Its the president and one of the scientists who seems to be the leader on the office is shown.

     "You failed again?? Get rid of all the evidence and find other kids to experiment again. Investigate them first before using them. I want them on perfect condition before all hell loose"

      "Understand president. We will do our bet this time"

      And does the live broadcast ended that night.


Hello everyone!! Heres a long update for you all!! Happy Christmas Break all!!(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧



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