3. Familiar!

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Y/n's pov

Not getting any reply from him I moved my gaze from my note pad to him. He was wearing mask but I can clearly see his eyes. His eyes are familiar to me . Like I've seen them before also .. but where!
Keeping my thoughts aside I again asked him.

Y/n: would you like to have anything sir?

Instead of answering he just shook his head from side to side .. making it clear that he doesn't want anything or could say as doesn't want to have anything.

Y/n: ok sir .. if you want anything just call me once.

I again went to the counter after bowing.

Taehyung's pov

In his office

I heard a knock on the door and permit him to come in.

Man: sir you called me ?

Taehyung: yes, I want all information about that girl.

Man: which girl sir ?

Taehyung: the girl whom I saw in club last night. I want all information about her within 2 hours or you know the consequences.

Man: yes sir!

The man left after bowing. I smirked.. just a little wait princess then you'll be mine in every possible way.


After some time

The man came in after knocking the door

Man: sir here are the information you wanted.

Taehyung: keep it and you can leave.

Keeping the file on the table .. he bowed and left.

I opened the file and here all the information of my baby. After reading the file a smirk appeared on my lips.  So my baby works in this cafe..  I mumble and grab my cat keys and exist my office to see my baby.
Here in standing in front of the cafe. I opened the door and looking forward my eyes got to see her beautiful figure. She's looking down at her phone without saying anything I went inside and find myself a sit.
After few couple of seconds my baby came to me for maybe taking the order but she wasn't looking at me.
What would you like to have sir?
She asked me but I was busy in admiring her beauty that nothing left from my mouth. She moved her eyes to see me. She was staring into my eyes. "Did she recognized me?" I asked myself but she didn't as I'm wearing mask and even only my baby saw me yesterday just for couple of seconds.. how is she gonna recognize me! Well you soon gonna do baby.
Interrupting my thoughts she again asked me but I just simply shook my head because I only came here to see my baby and I'll ask when the right time will come.
"Ok sir.. if you want anything just call me once"
After saying this she bowed and went near the counter but my eyes never left her figure.


Time skips

Y/n's pov

I was working on my computer while taking sips of coffee.. glancing at the fixed screen that showed today's payments and orders. All of a sudden, I felt a strong gaze on, so I moved my eyes to catch something suspicious but the whole cafe was in dead silence. I could only see the man wearing mask was staring me only. I turned around to focus on the screen but couldn't.. that gaze was suspicious.. intense and making me to loose my mind but somehow I  concentrated on the screen.
I unlocked my phone to see the time and Yes! It's 9:55 p.m and it's time to get back home. I stretched my arms and moved my eyes forward and guess what.. still he is staring me.. but I shrugged it off and put my belongings in my hand bag and went to that man.

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