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Y/n's pov ..

In Jisoo's càfe ..~

Y/n : he may but I don't want him in my life. How can he even think that I'll forgive after what he'd done to me. But unnie why didn't you told him that I'm married.

Jisoo : y/n I really had thought that he loves you and when he asked me everything about you I had told him . And also you had never told me about dating Taehyung. And even you got married so suddenly. So I didn't got the chance to say to Eun-woo even he didn't ask me anything about you when I got to know that you were dating Taehyung.

Y/n : leave it unnie. Now I love Taehyung and I know much he loves me. I don't want anything more just I , Taehyung, our baby and with you all we will be happy together.

I and unnie talked a lot . I saw the time it was 6:45 pm. Why isn't Taehyung came to pick me up ? I tried to call him but he is not receiving my calls. I thought he might be busy in his meeting so I'd texted him but he didn't even saw my texts.
I wanted to go home so I called our driver.

Jisoo: y/n do you want me to drop you ?

Y/n : no unnie its okay. If you'll drop me, then you'll have to come back again so it is better that I'll call the driver.

Jisoo : ok y/n but text me once you'll reach .

Y/n : ok unnie


I saw the driver and went outside. I bid bye to unnie and sat inside the car at back.

Author's pov ..

At club ...

Taehyung was fully drunk . He saw the time .

Taehyung: shit I've to pick y/n .

He said and went outside the club . He was not even in his senses. He didn't even thought that he's drunk . He somehow manage to get in his car and started the car. He was so drunk that the road also was not looking clear to him. His mind was still filled with y/n's words. He was driving so fast that what if she'll get mad that he didn't came to pick her up. What if she'll leave him due to that. He was driving but suddenly another car's light fall directly to his eyes. He shut his eyes and with a loud thud his car got hit with the other due to which his head got hit with the staring and he looked outside when he heard a loud thud. He saw the car which got hit by his had turned upside down due to so much speed. He came out of his car and rushed towards the car. His head was bleeding. He opened the driver's door and saw the driver was drenched in his own blood.

Taehyung: hey ..! Hey can you hear me ??

Taehyung panicked and checked his pulse and he felt nothing. He was dead on the spot. Taehyung checked inside if there was anyone else in the car. He looked at the passenger sit and there was no one.
He looked at the back and opened the door. His eyes widened witnessing the next scene. He saw her, was drenched in blood.

Taehyung: Y/N ?? Y/N ?

He patted her cheeks but nothing happened. Everything was silent only his loud heartbeat can be heard. He can't lose her. He was crying mess .


He screamed asking for help. He stood up to get his car but suddenly darkness covered his eyes. He fall down with a loud thud and everything went black.


Taehyung's pov ..

Taehyung: Y/N ..!!!!

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