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He laid beside me and we both were breathing heavily but my eyes widened when I heard him.

Taehyung: I'm not done yet, Babygirl.

I sat up and looked at him, he was smirking and pointed towards his member and I saw his member was still standing proudly .

Taehyung: you have to calm it down baby no matter how many round it takes, now came and ride Daddy.. !!

Mature content ahead 🔞

I sat on his waist, me legs were on each side. I leaned in and kissed his lips, leaving his lips I sucked his neck and he moaned. I was sucking on his neck and on his Adam's apple leaving hickeys there. I went down to his nipples and licked them. My hand were on his well build abs. I sat on his member slowly sliding it into me and I gasped as how deep it went deep into me. I started moving in slow pace while my hand were on his chest. I moaned loudly when he sat up making his dick go more deep inside me. My head leaned back in pleasure as he thrust inside me in high pace.

Taehyung: ahhh.. b-baby y-you ahhhh feels so good

He groaned grabbing my nipple between this teeth pulling it.

Y/n: ahhh... ummmm

He was thrusting inside me while I was a moaning mess. I again felt a knot on my stomach and I announced.

Y/n: I-I'm ahhhh.. c-close

Taehyung: wait-- ahhh.... babe wait for daddy

His thrust became more hard and my walls clutched around his dick.

Y/n: p-please I ahhh.. can't h-hold

Taehyung: come babe

And we both came together. I came all over his dick while he again came inside me. I breath out heavily when I felt his warm liquid inside me and he laid down and I felt on him.

Y/n: I'm tired Tae. I can't do anymore. I want to sleep.

I said in low voice and felt my eyes lid were getting heavy due to sleep and tiredness.

Taehyung: ok love let's sleep.

He said and make me lay beside him while I saw him with my half opened eyes. He took out some wipes from the side table, cleaning me first then himself. He was covering us with duvet but I pulled him holding his arms and hugged him tight. I snuggle onto his chest wrapping my arm around his waist. I mumbled...

Y/n: I love you Tae.

He covered us with duvet and hugged me tight and pecked my forehead. I smiled and went into deep slumber after hearing him.

Taehyung: I love you more my love.

Next morning

Y/n's pov

I woke up due to headache. My head was aching like it will brust anytime. I tried to sat up but I felt a hand had a tight grip on my waist. I looked beside me and found Taehyung sleeping burring his head onto my chest. Wait--!! bare chest!!. My eyes widened. I looked around our room and found our clothes were scattered on the floors but I couldn't remember anything from last night. I tried to remember but only recall that I was asking him to have a drink and then I confessed to him and--- I don't what happened next. I tried to move his hand for going washroom but halted when I heard him groaning.

Taehyung: Arghhhh .. why my head is aching soo much.

He said clenching his teeth. He moved his hand and sat straight while I pulled the duvet till my neck. I was looking at him only.
Does he remembered that I've confessed to him ??
I saw him looking around the room and he looked at me with widened eyes. He saw his upper bare body then peeked under the duvet.

Taehyung: y-y/n did we ??
Baby did I hurt you ?? You're okay right ?? You are not mad at me right ?
Arghhhh why I can't able to remember anything?

He boomburded on me with his questions and even he doesn't remembered that I've confessed. Let it be I'll confess giving him a surprise. I sighed and said..

Y/n: it's okay Tae.. Leave it

Taehyung: aren't you mad at me ??

Y/n: why would I ??

Taehyung: that we d-did it.

Y/n: we did it right.. so ?? And even we were drunk so it's neither your fault nor mine. Now go take shower I'm hungry.

Taehyung: okh.. I'll order something.

He said and got off the bed while my eyes widened seeing him all naked. I felt my cheeks burning and I looked away. Oh god.. !!

Taehyung's pov

I got off the bed and stood up. I looked at y/n, looking away with red cheeks. I smirked and wore my pants. After giving order for food I went to take shower. I stood infront of the mirror and took off my pant. I say my reflection on the mirror and my gaze fall on my neck having hickeys.
Has she done this?
I asked myself caressing the hickeys. I tried to remember but the last thing I remember that I took her to our room then I went to change and she back hugged me and I didn't remembered what happened after that. But has she really done this..? It's looking so amazing that she has marked me as hers and I don't want to be touched by any other women other than her, my love, my Y/n. She only has the right to touch me. She is only mine and I'm all hers.
Keeping my thoughts aside I stood under the shower.

After showering I went outside the bathroom wearing the white bathrobe. I saw her wearing my shirt and was looking so tiny and cute. Her neck was showing and it was having dark purple hickeys. I went towards her and back hugged her as she was facing the mirror while was touching her neck.

Taehyung: I didn't remembered anything about last night but I believe that the marks which you're having on your neck are given by me and the marks which are on my neck are probably given by you.

Y/n: marks ?? On your neck ??

Taehyung: yeah on my neck.

I turned her around and showed her my neck which were having hickeys. She touched my hickeys with her soft fingers.

Taehyung: I didn't knew you are so good in this..

I teased her with a smirk.

Taehyung: tell me what have you done with me last night ??

I said with a teasing smirk on my lips. I saw her face was all red. She bite her lower lip and this habit of her drives me crazy. I pulled her closer to me and hold her waist. I put my index finger under her chin and made her look at me. I leaned in and was just about to feel her lips against mine but heard the door bell.

Taehyung: Arghhhh don't they have any other time to come .

I said and looked at her.

Taehyung: You go take shower I think it's room service. I'll arrange breakfast till then you take shower.

She nodded and went towards the washroom swaying her hips and my shirt was reaching till the mid thighs of hers. Yaaaah she's driving me crazy. I shrugged my thoughts away and went towards the door to open.



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See you soon 💜
Till then take care..

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