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Y/n's pov

I was standing near the window staring at the moon aimlessly. It's been 2 days I'm in this room only. Some maid came to just give me food and left while Eunwoo use to come and tell me how much he loves me but who will make him understand that if I've ever loved him it's over now. Now I'm married and I love my husband. My thoughts get disturbed when I heard the room's door burst open. I turned around and saw Eun-woo with a smirk. I stumbled when he came near me and we were just inches away. I smelled alcohol from him. Is he drunk ? I tried to go near bed but he held my wrist and I looked at him.

Y/n : what's your freaking problem?

Eun-woo: why can't you understand my feelings ?

Y/n : look I've already told you that I love Tae and keep that in mind.

Eun-woo: no you're mine. I can't let you go away from me ever.

I jerked his hand and again tired to go but he held my shoulder and pushed me against the wall roughly. I hissed in pain when the hard wall touched my back.

Eun-woo: I'll make you mine y/n .

He said and pushed me on the bed.

Y/n : what are you doing?

Eun-woo: making you mine baby.

Y/n : don't you dare to i-

I tried to sit up but he hovered above me and smashed his lips on mine. I felt disgust. I tried to push him but he's way too strong than I've thought him to be. I was moving my head for not letting him kiss me suddenly my head ached and my hands went to held my head while he sucked on my neck bitting on it harshly.

"tae just l-listen to me once-"

"JUST SHUT UP. How can you let other man touch you huh? Don't you know how much I love you? I didn't let any women touch me nor I've touch any woman because I'm having you because I FUCKING LOVE YOU. But how can you just let other man touch you."

"p-please tae. I only lo-"

I breath heaving when I got flashback. When was it ? Why Tae was behaving like that? I hissed in pain when Eunwoo bite harshly on my lip and blood ozed out from my lower lip. I again tried to push him but it was of no use. He opened his tie and tied up my hands above my head with the headboard of bed. My eyes sheared warm tears. Please Tae come please I need you. I felt warm liquid coming out from my nose. I screamed in disgust when he touched my clothed chest.

Eun-woo: so soft baby 

Y/n : leave me you bustard

I tried my best to free my hands but the more I tried the more I hurt myself. He slide his hands inside my t-shirt and cupped my breast and he tore my t-shirt. Tears slide down my eyes. I was screaming to stop it but he didn't even looked at me. My upper body was only having my bra. He flipped me and dig his head on my shoulder. I tried to move but his whole body weight on me. He stopped when we heard gun shots. Not once not twice but uncountable. He sat up on bed processing what happened while I flipped myself still my hands were tried. The door brust opened and my tears started streaming continuously seeing him.

"Tae" it came out of my mouth like a wishper.
His eyes were dark and were fuming in anger. His looked at me and his gaze became soft.

Eun-woo: how the fuck you get in here!

He looked at Eun-woo and without wasting anytime a hard puch fall on Eunwoo's cheek.

Taehyung: how dare you. You indeed got too much guts to stole what's mine huh. Many times I've spared you but not this time. You'll be dead this time, I swear on my love.

He said while punching him taking his every anger out on Eunwoo. While Eunwoo tried to hit back but couldn't.
Soon I saw Eun-woo was on ground almost life less. Taehyung took out his gun from behind his blazer. I again groaned in pain when this time my head hurted like crazy.

"you just don't understand once do you? I tried to warn you before but you've got too much guts huh? you touched what's mine again. I should have shoot you to death that time only. HOW DARE YOU"

"you have to pay giving your life for touching what's mine"

Suddenly I stared to get every flashback from my past. My eyes fluttered opened when I heard gun shot. I looked at Tae. His eyes were dark and full of anger. I saw towards where he was pointing his gun. There was Eunwoo lying lifeless on the cold floor and blood were scattered on the floor. I felt continuously liquid flowing from my nose and I felt dizzy and my eyes were getting heavy. With my half opened eyes I saw Jin oppa entering inside. As soon as Taehyung saw me he can running towards me. He cupped my cheeks and I smiled . I remembered everything. I got my memories back. He saved me this time. He kept his promise. He isn't failed to keep his promise. He quickly untied my hands and opened his coat and made me wear that . He took out his handkerchief from his pocket and put it near my nostril.

Taehyung: please love don't close your eyes. Everything will be okay. I can't let you go love. I love you. Please y/n don't c-

I couldn't hear him anymore. I felt my body getting numb. Tears were flowing down my cheeks and a smile was on my lips and I closed my eyes in his warm embrace and everything became silent and dark.


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