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I smirked thinking of teasing her a little.. yeah again, I entered in making her eyes winded due to my sudden action. Holding her shoulder i made her face towards the mirror. I looked at her through the mirror while nervousness is clearly written on her face. I placed my index finger on her smooth, bare shoulder and I stroke my finger from her shoulder to her lower back and I looked at her when I heard her gasping and I smirk seeing my effect on her. I stroke my another hand's index finger from her shoulder to her back. She was going to turn but I hold her waist, not letting her turn. I took the laces between my fingers, tying it into a bow. I again hold her waist and saw her reflection on the mirror. She was staring me and I leaned in to her neck while still staring at her. I pecked her neck causing her to shut her eyes. I trailed my lips from her neck to her ear and licked her earlobe and made her face me. Her eyes were still tightly closed and I again leaned in and kissed on her lips, taking her lower lip between mine I sucked it causing her to moan. I kissed her jaw without breaking the contact from her skin while my right hand had a tight grip on her waist and my left hand was cupping her face. I again kissed her but she didn't kissed me back everytime I kiss her. I left her lips and looked at her, her eyes were still tightly closed..

Taehyung : baby look at me...

I said but she didn't. I cupped her face with my both hands ..

Taehyung: I said look at me baby..

I said as softly as I could. I saw her opening her eyes and she looked at me ..

Taehyung: why aren't you kissing me back ?

She looked down ..

Taehyung: you know right... I don't like to repeat myself..

She again looked at me with almost teary eyes, seeing her like this. My eyes soften ...

Y/n : i-i I've never k-kissed anyone .. i-i d-don't know h-how to..

She said lowering her gaze. I smiled finding it cute. I made her look at me ..

Taehyung: it's okay baby, just do as I'm doing. I want to feel you baby ..

Saying this I leaned in and smashed my lips on her. I kissed her as softly as I can, soon I smiled between the kiss when I felt her kissing me back, she was not so good but I don't know why I loved it how her lips were moving against mine. She tried to copy me which was too cute to feel. I licked her lower lip and I felt her hands on my chest which were forming into tight fist. I started to kiss her quite roughly and she tried to make up with my pace but couldn't while I bite on her lower lip and squeezed her waist causing her to gasp, taking that as an advantage, I shoved my tongue inside her mouth. My tongue roamed every single inch of her mouth. I felt her breathing heavily, I hummed in satisfaction, feeling her lips between mine and how our body were touching eachother's. I left her lips as I found her out of breath. I attached my forehead with her and i said softly..

Taehyung: you're looking beautiful my love...

I pulled away and looked at her, she opened her eyes

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I pulled away and looked at her, she opened her eyes ..

Taehyung: not because of this dress but you're so beautiful.. by your own as beautiful as your heart is...

Maybe I fell for her because of her beauty and of her beautiful and kind heart, how innocent she is, not like any other women who droll over men, seducing them for money. I'm blessed to get her, hope she'll also love me soon. I'll never hurt her. I wanna feel her love. I didn't ever thought that I'll fall for her, at first I only thought that maybe it's just I got attracted towards her but now I can't even live without seeing her. I was staring into her eyes and she did as well. Her ocean like deep eyes. I smirked while she frowned her brows. I slowly took the lace of her dress between my finger while not getting notice by her. I hold the end of the lace and pulled them down at once while she gasped as she felt the lace being loss and put her right hand on her chest to keep the dress in that place. I chuckled and pecked her lips.

Taehyung: I'll be waiting outside for you, change and come fast okay..

Saying this I went outside. I'm happy to see her close to me. I never felt this happy before.
I saw her coming out from the trial room. I asked the lady to pack all the dresses which she'd tried. The lady came with many packets which contains her dresses.
I saw my her came to me and hold my hand. I was surprised and shocked as well but somewhere happy to see that she is accepting me...! She is not that scared like before. I want her to see my love, to understand me.

Y/n: are you going to buy these all ?

She wishpered to me. I smile and answered..

Taehyung: yes baby, you looked gorgeous wearing these all. Why don't you like these dresses.. ?

She shook her head..

Taehyung: oh baby, fine if you don't like these dresses then you can try which ever you want..

Y/n: n-no I didn't meant that, the dresses are so beautiful..

Taehyung: so what's the problem?

Y/n: aren't they too expensive.. ! I don't want to buy them ..

This is the thing which I love about her most, she's not like other women who only wants money. I like how kind she is. I cupped her cheeks and said

Taehyung: oh baby, you don't have to think about that. I'm hear right, You can take anything you want.. this mall belongs to me and what's mine is yours too .. so don't worry.. come ..

Y/: b- but i-

Taehyung: baby just come, sometime you act too stubborn..

I intertwined my finger with her, taking the packets we exit from the mall. I didn't had to pay as this mall is mine. I put all the packets at the back seat and made her sit in the passenger seat. I went to the driver's seat and soon I start the engine and went from there ...
I saw her staring outside the window.. little far from us I saw an ice-cream parlour. I stopped infront of it while she looked at me being confused..

Taehyung: wait baby, I'm coming in just two minutes ..

She just nodded her head and I went inside. I took one mint chocolate chip ice-cream for her and one strawberry flavour ice-cream for me. I went near my car, opening the door I give her the mint chocolate chip ice-cream while she looked at me being surprised..

Y/n: h-how do you know, I love this flavour..?

Taehyung: I've already told you baby that I know everything about you ..

She took it from me and she smile.. oh her smile will kill me..

She happy ate the ice and so I did while staring at her all the time. she finished hers and looked at me and I chuckled as I saw little bit of cream was on the corner of her lips. She frowned and I leaned in towards her and licked the corner of her lips while it tasted so good, not the cream but her lips. She looked at me with her big doe eyes while I chuckle again seeing her reaction..

Taehyung: baby do you want another..?

She shook her head and looked away ..

Taehyung: okay so should we go now ..?

I saw her nodding her head and I chuckled as she didn't looked at me while her face was all red. I started to drive and we went home ..


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