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Seeing her, tears escaped from my eyes. How can I do this do her? I'm a monster. I hurted her. This time I can't even ask her forgiveness. I don't deserve love. I don't deserve her.

Next morning

Y/n 's pov

I woke up due to the terrible pain in my lower abdomen. I sat up and saw myself in Taehyung's shirt.
Suddenly I remembered last night's incident and my eyes filled with tears. I saw beside me but there was empty.
I saw the time it was 10 am.
Maybe he had gone to office. I went inside the washroom. The stood infront of the mirror.
I'm feeling dizzy don't know why.
I took off the shirt. I was having bite marks on my neck, collar bone and on my chest.
Tears slipped from my eyes. My lower lip was having a small cut.
I stood under the shower. I hissed in pain as the warm water touched my bare body. After taking shower I wore a loss shirt and trouser. I was sitting on the bed when I heard knock on the door.

Y/n : yes !!

I answered without looking at that direction.

Maid : Mrs. Kim breakfast is ready please come and have it .

Y/n : I don't have appetite.

Maid : but Mr. Kim have strictly sai-

Y/n : I've already told you. You can leave now .

I said with a stern voice.

Maid : sorry Mrs. Kim

She apologized and left. My mind is all messed up. I shouldn't have behave with her like that. I sighed and stood up from bed. I went downstairs. I entered in kitchen and went towards the maid.

Maid : Mrs. Kim do you need anything?

Y/n : I'm sorry

Maid : Mrs. Kim ??

Y/n : I'm sorry for my behavior

Maid : it's okay Mrs. Kim

She smiled looking at me. I forced a smile .

Maid : Mrs. Kim will you have breakf-

Y/n : no if I'll need anything I'll say .

Maid : sure Mrs. Kim

I nodded and went to my room again

Taehyung's pov

I don't know how I'm gonna face her. I was in my car returning back home.
I asked the maid if she has had her breakfast but the maid said she refused. I don't know if she's angry on me or is she sad.
I don't know. I don't know how I'll handle this situation. I messed up everything. Everything was good but for me it became worst.

Driver : Mr. Kim we have reached.

I looked outside at the mansion. I get off the car and went in. The maid bowed me and I straight went upstairs.
I took a deep breath before opening our room's door. I kept my bag and saw her standing in the balcony.
Without saying anything I went inside the washroom. After taking shower I wore my clothes and sat on the bed still she was standing in the balcony back facing me. I stood to go her but halted as I heard a knock on the door.
I opened the door and there was a maid .

Taehyung : yes ..!

Maid : dinner is ready Mr. Kim.. if you'll say then I'll serve it .

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