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Taehyung's pov

I was waiting for her for having dinner together. I was scrolling down on my phone but was checking time to time towards the stairs if she's coming or not. "Isn't she taking too much time?" I mumbled. I was just going to check on her but I stopped as i saw her already coming down while my eyes got stuck on her, even that simple white dress is looking beautiful on her, she is looking beautiful. She came and was about to sit away from me but how can even I let that happen, after this soo much of waiting I got her near me, I can't her far from me. So I told her to sit beside be but stubborn she, not gonna listen at once, but at the end not having any choice she sat beside me. Maria served us. I was having my dinner and looked at her. She was just fiddling with her fingers, didn't even touched her food.

Taehyung: will you have or you want me to feed you ?

Hearing me she snapped her head towards me.

Taehyung: you can ask baby.. I'll happily feed you with my own hands.

She immediately took her spoon and started eating. I chuckled finding it cute without her being noticed. I was eating when I felt my phone being vibrate inside my pant's pocket. I took out my phone, seeing the caller id I received the call...

On call

Taehyung: yes my lady!

Mrs. Kim: what are you doing Tae?

Taehyung: just having dinner..

Mrs. Kim: oh okay..
Actually I wanna say something..

Taehyung: yes please.. !

Mrs. Kim: actually I and your dad will come to your house..

Taehyung: oh..!

Mrs. Kim: yeah.. maybe next week, is it okay for you?

Taehyung: my highness, you can come anytime you want. You don't even have to ask me.. and yeah.. I've a surprise for you..

Mrs. Kim: what is it?

Taehyung: not now, when you'll come you'll get to see.. and now I've some work to do.. take care

Mrs. Kim: okay bye.. take care

Ending the call, I put my phone back inside my pocket. I turned my head to see her but she is not here. "Has she already done?" I asked myself and went upstairs to see her. I opened the door as slow as I could, so that she doesn't get to know. I saw her standing near the window, looking outside and I don't know what's going inside her head. I went towards her and hugged her from back making her flinch badly.

Taehyung: relax baby, it's me.

I turned her around to face me.

Taehyung: you know baby, I've a good news for you..

She looked at me while frowning her brows.

Taehyung: we're getting married soon baby, isn't it a great news!

Listening to me her eyes widened. I know what's she thinking.

Taehyung: you told me right that you can never be mine, that I don't have any right on you!

My eyes turned dark as I remembered hey words. I can never let her go, she is only mine.

Taehyung: I don't have to make it legal or announce it officially, I can make you mine whenever I want but because of you I got this idea and because of this marriage you can't say that you're not mine and that I've no rights on you, so thanks baby. And yeah get used to me, because I'm not letting you go not even in your worst dream.

I pulled her closer to me by holding her waist while she didn't said anything. She gasped when I picked her up in bridal style. I walk towards the bed and gently made her lay on it. I went to the other side and started unbuttoning my shirt while seeing this her eyes got widened. I smirked, and I exactly know what's she is thinking and yeah I want to feel her so badly but not now. She is already scared and I don't want to make her more. I can clearly say her that I can't able to sleep with my shirt on but it's funny to tease her. Opening my shirt I layed beside her, and covered us with the duvet. I scoot near her and she moved a little but I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her towards me as close as I could, while she put her hands on my chest and started struggling to get away from me.

Taehyung: babe, you can't go away from me until I let you to and you know that's never gonna happen. Your all these struggle will go in vain, so you better stop. And yeah.. don't worry I'm not going to do anything, so just relax and sleep baby.

I hugged her tight as she stopped struggling to get away from me which she obviously can't. My fingers went to her hair and started caressing it. I pecked her forehead gently. I sniffed her hair and hummed in relaxation inhaling her sweet fragrance and soon I drifted into my dreamland.

Y/n's pov

I was scared as hell when I saw him opening his shirt but thankfully he hasn't done anything. I was struggling to get away from his grip besides knowing that it's useless. I stop struggling but his next move surprised me. He hugged me more tight, pecking my forehead her started caressing my hair and I felt my stomach did a sudden flip. I can get his strong cologne. I felt calm because of his caress. Don't know why and how, that from whom I was scared as hell a few seconds ago, now it's so relaxing in his embrace. His caresses are so calming. And without my knowing I fell asleep in his warm embrace.

Next morning

Taehyung's pov

My sleep got disturbed by the movement near my chest. I looked down to my chest as someone was snuggling onto and it's my babe. My eyes met her closed ones. My hand went to caress her cheek, she is so soft. My stomach did a sudden flip which is unfamiliar and new for me. I never felt like this. I pecked her forehead, I want to hold her like this for the whole day but I don't want to disturb her sleep. I got off the bed and went inside the washroom for getting freshen up. As it's Sunday, so no work and I can spend my whole day admiring my baby unless I'll get any of my Mafia work.

Y/n's pov

I woke up as the direct sun rays fall on my face. Stretching my limps I opened my eyes and sat straight but this room looks so new to me and I realized that it's his room. A sigh escaped from my mouth. My gaze went to the washroom's door as I heard the door being opened and then closed. My eyes widened, I don't know what's the reaction on my face now, I saw him standing infront to the washroom's door just in a towel which was loosely wrapped around his waist. Few drops of water were dropping from his long, wet locks which were covering his forehead, those water droplets fall on his chest and then slipped down to his waist and got socked in the towel. I moved my gaze to his face and found him already staring at me. I gulped and looked away. He came near me and I felt my heart pounding inside my chest rapidly. He stood infront of the mirror and his back is now facing me. He is having a broad, muscular back and having some scars on it which are almost healed.

Taehyung: do you want anything babygirl?

I moved my gaze to see his reflection and found him again starting me only, that's not something new. A smirk was crept on his lips. It gave my a wired feeling which I really don't know. He turned around and came near me. He leaned towards me and he is soo close to me now that I felt his hot breath on my cheek.

Taehyung: tell baby.. do you want anything?

Still that smirk was dancing on his lips. I was in shock neither I moved back nor forward. But my eyes widened when he suddenly pecked my lips and chuckled before saying ...

Taehyung: go get freshen up then we'll have our breakfast together..

I don't know what to do, his sudden action froze me.

Taehyung: will you go or you want me to kiss you again?

Hearing him I rushed towards the washroom without giving any reply nor waited for him to react. Well one thing I understood that he is capable of doing whatever he says.

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