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I turned back and saw Eun-woo. I was happy seeing him.
I was about to go to him but I remember what Taehyung had done last time when he saw Eun-woo hugging me.
I remain in my place and saw Eun-woo coming towards me.

Eun-woo : how are you y/n ??

Y/n : I'm good but why are you here ?

Eun-woo: actually I've came here for business party .

Y/n : isn't it a party for mafias too !

Eun-woo: yeah but I'm here for my business. I'm not a mafia

Y/n : oh

Eun-woo : yeah but how come you're you here ??

Y/n : I'm here wit-

Suddenly he came close to me.

Eun-woo: you know y/n I had thought that after this party I'll meet you but here I got to meet you only .

He hold me hands and continued .

Eun-woo: you know y/n I've missed you a lot in these years.You don't know how badly I wanted to talk to you and meet you but situation didn't let me. That's why I asked Jisoo everything about you and she even told me that you didn't even date anyone after me. Y/n can we get together again. I promise this time I'll never leave you. I'll fight in every situation please.

Is he out of his mind ? He want me back after leaving me all alone and dumbfounded without telling anything??

Y/n : what are you saying ? We're nothing now and also I'm marr-

Suddenly he hugged me while I stumbled back but maintain my balance

Eun-woo: please y/n I still love you. Give me just a chance. I know you love me too .

I tried to push him but he was hugging me too tightly

Y/n : eunwo-

He didn't let me complete and his next action shocked me to death.
He smashed his lips on mine. I was frozen at my place.
It was too quick that I didn't even get the thought of doing any thing. He started to move his lips and hold my waist pulling me close to his body.
I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him but the more I pushed him, the more he was pulling me closer to him.
I tried to move my face but he held my nape and what I saw next scared me to death. I saw Taehyung was staring me with a cold gaze from a little far.
Shiver ran down my spine looking at his clenched jaw and dark eyes while thinking about the consequences. I pushed him harder and moved back.  Eun-woo saw my face and turned back where I was looking with my pleading gaze.

Eun-woo: again this man ! Who is he ?

He spoke loudly enough that I and Taehyung easily heard it.

Hearing that Taehyung reached something behind from his blazer and my eyes widened knowing what he's up to. With a straight face he pulled out a gun and pointed at Eun-woo while coming closer to him.

Taehyung: you just don't understand once.. do you ? I tried to warn you before but you've got too much guts huh? You touched what's mine again. I should have shoot you to death that time only. How dare you just HOW DARE YOU ..!!

I flinched badly hearing his growl.
Why it's happening again. 

Eun-woo: who the hell are you man ? Who is she to you that you're calling her yours huh !!

Taehyung: I'M TAEHYUNG..  KIM TAEHYUNG and who is she. She is my freaking wife. You heard that SHE IS MY WIFE and you dared to touch her 

Listening to Taehyung eun-woo looked at me in shock.

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