6. With him !

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Author's pov

You wiped your tears and Jisoo pulled her hands back.

Y/n: unnie it's nothing and he... he is Kim Taehyung, my boyfriend. Sorry I didn't told you before because he asked me not to. I'm sorry unnie.

You said to Jisoo as Taehyung told you to say which he had whispered in your ears. While hearing you Jisoo's jaw hitted the ground.

Jisoo: h-how so suddenly you got boyfriend? And even if you two were dating, why are you telling me now isn't it too early?? Take years to tell me.

She said sarcastically.

Y/n: I'm sorry..

Jisoo: leave, it's okay but why were you crying?

Y/n: i-i --

Taehyung: she was crying because I just asked her to move in with me and also to leave this job that's why...

Hearing him you snapped you head towards him. While he smiled looking at your.

Jisoo: is it y/n !

Y/n: y-yeah...

Jisoo: oh my little y/n, it's okay.. you got a really nice boyfriend, just enjoy baby and I know you're crying because of me right! Don't think too much we'll meet baby.

She said while passing you an assuring smile.
Your tears finally left which you were trying to hold back and hugged her while she hugged you back and patted you head.

Jisoo: it's okay , now stop and go with him. Take care and you Taehyung don't dare to hurt my y/n or I'll kill you.

Taehyung: I can never, so y/n should we go?

You just nodded your head and went outside with him. Your mind was all messed up. Where is he taking you? What he'll do to you? Who is he? What he want from you? All these questions were popping in your mind.

After sometime

The same black damn expensive car stopped infront of a mansion, bigger than the previous one, surrounded by uncountable guards. There was a huge fountain just inside the first entrance.

Y/n's pov

The whole ride was silent and thank God that he didn't spoke anything. Soon the car stopped infront of a beautiful and huge mansion. He got off the car and came to my side, opening the door of my side. He extended his hand towards me and hesitantly I took his hand and got off the car. Taehyung hold my hand and we headed inside the mansion. There were uncountable guards, holding guns while I looked down and unknowingly I tighten my grip on his hand. Entering inside the mansion, many maid I guess and some guards bowed towards us, probably him while he just simply nodded his head and taking the stairs we entered inside a room, probably his. I had barely stepped inside the room but I gasped when he suddenly pressed me against the wall next to the door. He leaned in to my face and stated.

Taehyung: so babe.. do you like my- I mean our room?

He stated while smirking while my eyes got teary besides being surrounded by all these humans but still I'm all alone. I don't know what he gonna do with me. I'm really scared as hell right now.

Y/n: w-why are you doing t-this? p-please let me go.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I gasped when he pulled me towards him, I put my hands on his chest to pull myself away from him.

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