introductions and a little surprise from Sayaka

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Makoto pressed the escape button and the door to the outside began to open, letting in a bright light. They had done it. After 50 days, they were all able to leave. He had grown quite attached to everyone so a part of him was sad they would have to part but he could always see them later so he wasn't that bothered.

But as soon as the flash of light disappeared, all Makoto could see was emptiness, it was all dark and there was nothing. Makoto tried to go through it but there was nothing no matter how far he walked. All his friends had disappeared too, he didn't know what was going on.

After a couple of seconds, he finally saw something and as he ran towards it, he noticed it was Usami, the machine that stopped Monokuma and let them go. " Usami! What's going on!?" Makoto screamed as he ran up to her. "Makoto, you're finally here! I'm sorry in advance for what I'm about to tell you but those 50 days you spent with your friends weren't real" Usami looked sad as she was saying that.

"Not real? What are you talking about? Usami, you have to get me out of here!" Makoto was desperate to get out of wherever he was. The complete emptiness made him scared. "I'm sorry Makoto, but I'm going to need you to remember." And just as she finished saying that, Makoto started to feel a headache, but it wasn't a normal headache. It escalated in mere milliseconds to the point Makoto dropped to his knees from the pain.

And as soon as the headache came, it went, but Makoto was different. he remembered, he remembered everything, the killing school life, his friends deaths, his friends executions, all of it. Makoto didn't understand. Didn't he escape with his friends?

"I'm sorry Makoto, but those 50 days weren't real, but I needed you to go through them so you can see how much everyone really means to you. You need to save them this time. You all need to get out together." Usami looked serious the entire time, as if to emphasize the severity of the situation. Makoto understood her words but didn't understand why he didn't escape the first time after defeating Junko.

"Save them? How am I supposed to save them?" Makoto was confused about what was really going on. "You're going to have to go back to when everything started, but this time, you need to make sure nobody dies." Usami said to him, her voice sounded sweet while her words were serious. " I.. I understand." Makoto, while still on his knees, lowered his head. He didn't get answers to his questions but he understood what she said.

"Okay then Makoto, I wish you the best of luck!" Usami waved goodbye to him and the next second he blinked, he was resting his head on a desk. He quickly raised his head from the desk and looked around, he was in a classroom and he found the same note that he found when he first woke up when the killing school life started. Was... was he actually back to when it first happened?

Makoto rushed over to the main hall where he found everyone. "Whoa,hey! Another new kid?" Yasuhiro said. Makoto doesn't remember their exact greetings but he called him "new kid" so it seems he actually was taken back to the start. "Do any of you know me?" Makoto said with a bit of a sad tone. "Um, no, we're all new here." Chihiro said. It all sounded so familiar to him

"So counting him, that makes fifteen. Seems like a good cut-off point, but I wonder if this is everyone..." Hifumi said, sounding uncertain. "Why don't we all go around and introduce ourselves?" Makoto said. He remembers that it was Hina that had that idea but he took it from her this time. "Now's not the time for friggin introductions." Mondo said, sounding quite pissed off.

"But we should at least know each other's names before anything else right?" Makoto said. He was taking everyone's lines. "That is a good point. Then why don't we get the introductions out of the way?" Sayaka said in a cheerful tone. Makoto now had to introduce himself to a bunch of people he already knew. This was going to be quite tough.

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