Makoto tries to convince Mukuro

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Makoto headed over to the main hall, where he found everyone. He'd gotten so used to what everyone said that he could probably say everything they said from start to finish without messing up

This time though, he was planning to make a bunch of small changes, and his first was in the dining hall. He could just confront Mukuro before she killed Hina, but he didn't want that, he didn't want to just do that, he also wanted to become friends with her, and actually convince her.

He could tune out what his friends said with ease and he waited for the introductions so he could talk to Junko. "Hi! The name's Junko Enoshima!" Mukuro said cheerfully. "So you're Junko? It's nice to meet you! I'm Makoto Naegi." Makoto said. He had gotten really good at acting out his emotions.

"You know... I'd heard that you have a sister and that she was also supposed to be attending with us today." Makoto said casually. His goal was to corner till she confessed but he knew that would be quite difficult.

"H-How'd you find that out?" Mukuro said, a little nervous. "Well you're very famous and basically everyone knows you're going to be attending hope's peak, so of course I'd heard that your sister was also going to be attending." Makoto said, convincingly, but he was just lying.

"W-Well she got sick so she couldn't come today." Junko said, quickly. It was obvious it was an excuse but he thought the ultimate soldier would be a lot more quick thinking, not to get startled by one question.

"But do you have to be so mean to her?" Makoto asked, making himself sound bothered. "What do you mean?" Mukuro, clearly uncomfortable by the amount of questions Makoto was asking.

"Well, I saw you doing an interview the other day and when they mentioned your sister, you started to say she was a disappointment and you hated her and also some weird stuff about how she was expendable." Makoto said, in an attempt to get Mukuro to dislike Junko.

"So that's what she then thinks of me, huh?" Mukuro said to herself quietly in her normal voice but Makoto heard it slightly. "What'd you say?" Makoto tried to pry. "Nothing! But yeah! She's definitely expandable, she'll basically do anything I say!" Mukuro said, returning back to the Junko voice.

Makoto didn't really expect her to react like that. Even if she was surprised by what he said, he expected her to say that she never said anything like that or something along those lines. The fact she didn't kind of worried Makoto, so it was time for him to resort to plan B.

"But y'know, I personally think she's really cool." Makoto said quite convincingly, partly because he actually believed that. "Y-You do?" Mukuro asked, a little surprised. "Yeah, I do!" Makoto said, waiting to see how she'd respond.

He never really got to meet Mukuro. Even during the 50 days, she was still acting as Junko so he never got to see the true her, so he didn't really know how to act when around her. "B-But she's a killer, you know?" Mukuro said, barely keeping up with her Junko voice. It wouldn't be big enough for anyone else to notice but since he knew she wasn't who she claimed she was, it was bright as day

"Even so, I highly doubt she killed for a bad reason, she was probably trying to protect the country and I thi-" Makoto got interrupted. "A-Are you t-two telling each other's e-entire backstories? J-Just hurry up!" Toko said, clearly agitated

"Y-Yeah, she's right." Mukiro said before taking a deep breath "We should totes continue this convo later Makoto, bye!" She went back to Junko's voice at the end before leaving. Makoto knew he had at least made some progress


It was the day when the second class trial happened for the first time. Makoto had already stabbed himself and was in the infirmary but he asked Chihiro to call for Junko. Makoto had already spent any spare time he had on talking with her, aside from the time that was used to save everyone else

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