A rigged class trial

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Makoto woke up and proceeded to Check the time. It was 9 AM, he didn't know why the morning announcement didn't wake him up so he quickly got dressed and went to the dining hall, but there was no one there

Makoto didn't really find that odd since it was a lot later than usual but why didn't anyone wake him up? Or tell him to go to the dining hall? Makoto just sighed and headed to where he thought everyone would be

His first guess was the gym since everyone did gather there quite often and when he entered, he saw Byakuya dismantling Monokuma. "Makoto! Why weren't you answering your door man?" Leon asked

"Sorry, I must have just been in a really deep sleep" Makoto said. "Deep, my ass. I was literally gonna break your door with all that knocking i was doin" mondo said loudly. "Guess I was just in a really deep sleep?" Makoto said, a little embarrassed

"Well anyways, what are you guys doing?" Makoto asked, pointing at the dismantled Monokuma. "Well, I woke up early this morning to try to get some questions answered by Monokuma but when I called for him, he did not show, so I went to where we usually see him, and I found him completely motionless." Byakuya explained as he continued dismantling Monokuma

"But why dismantle him?" Makoto asked. "We might be able to get some kind of clue if we figure out how he works." Byakuya answered. "But one thing I don't really get is why she's with us" Celeste pointed at Mukuro

"Taka called everyone including me, so if you have a problem with that, complain to him." Mukuro said coldly. "Speaking of waking everyone up, have you seen Kyoko anywhere, Makoto?" Taka asked

"Kyoko? No, I haven't seen her." Makoto replied. She was probably still on the second floor of the dorms so he had nothing to worry about. "Well, I tried to wake her up bu-" Byakuya suddenly interrupted "aha! I seem to have found something." Byakuya said, grinning as he pulled out a key from Monokuma's body

"A key?" Hina asked rhetorically. "I-It looks like it has some 0's and 1's on it so maybe it's for that one data room on the fourth floor?" Chihiro suggested nervously. "That's actually pretty smart, girl!" Yasuhiro said, patting Chihiro on the back

"But wait, there seems to be something else." Byakuya said as he pulled out... another key from Monokuma's body. "Another one?" Hina asked rhetorically, again. "Maybe it's a key to the headmaster's office?" Sayaka suggested

"Maybe, we should go try out the other key first since we have a semi solid idea of where it might lead" Makoto said, basically taking charge. "Well I see no reason to object to that." Celeste said. And with no one objecting, they all went up to the fourth floor

Makoto knew what was going to happen, he knew this was just a trick but he needed to steer everyone towards the right path, but he didn't know why the key was inside of Monokuma's body this time.

Makoto put the key in and unlocked the door. Everyone quickly went in after him and they all began looking around. Makoto needed them to get the main point so he pointed at the tv. "Hey everyone! Look, it's a tv." Makoto said innocently, knowing that everyone was in for a shock

"Quick, someone! Set it up! Chihiro, you do it since you're smart!" Hiro pushed Chihiro towards the computer. "Hey! Don't push me, but fine, I'll do it." Chihiro looked at the tv for a second and then began setting it up

And after a bit, it turned on and started to show an image of everyone on the tv. "Hey, that's us!" Hifumi pointed at the tv, "yeah, but why the fuck are we on the tv?" Mondo asked confused

"Well I'm glad you asked, my buddy." Monokuma appeared. "Huh? But I thought we got rid of you?" Leon asked. "Oh come on, you didn't seriously think I was gone, now did you?" Monokuma asked rhetorically

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