Makoto helps out Celeste

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Makoto was working hard, doing all his paperwork. It was really tiring for him but all he needed was something to help him get through it. He took his bottle of Panadol, and popped a tablet into his mouth, swallowing it instantly. It was pretty late at night, around 11PM to be exact. His shift was supposed to finish at the same time as his friends which was quite a while ago but he wanted to continue working.

Now that they had escaped the killing game, Makoto felt as though he went back to being useless and since he couldn't help in any big way, the most he could do is help by doing other people's paperwork to help them out a little. He honestly didn't mind as long as he got to see his friends smile. Sure, he's never told them that he actually takes a part of their paperwork but he doesn't want them to feel indebted to him in any way

Makoto sighed and got up from his chair, he was just going to get a snack to help him out a little, maybe a protein bar or something. He left his room and started to head to the break room, with it being so late, there shouldn't be anyone except guards who patrol the area at night but when Makoto passed by the cubicles, he could hear the faint sound of a pen moving.

He tried to follow the sound and it led to Celeste's cubicle. She looked tired and really out of it, nothing like her usual deceitful self. "Celeste? You're still here?" Makoto asked, Celeste didn't notice him so he jumped from surprise but her chair almost ended up falling, luckily, Makoto stopped it before it did

"M-Makoto? What are you doing at this time of hour?" Celeste asked, trying to make herself seem like usual but it was obvious she was really tired. "Well, as one of the 3 leaders of this place, it would make sense that they stay for extra time wouldn't it?" Makoto was just lying, he could technically leave early if he wanted to but he tried to make it sound like he had to be there

"But what about you, Celeste? Why are you still here?" Makoto looked at the pile of paperwork she had next to her, it was kind of obvious. "Well, I was mostly just ignoring my work for the day as I usually have Hifumi do most of it, but today he just refused to do my work no matter how much I yelled, and Byakuya says it's apparently wrong to throw your work at an intern yet that piece of sh-" before Celeste could continue with what she was saying, she took a deep breath and calmed herself down. It was pretty obvious to Makoto now that Celeste was a lot more emotional when she was tired

"Yet Byakuya is able to throw all his work at his intern? If you ask me, that is quite the double standard." Celeste calmed herself fully "Well I wouldn't say it's a double standard considering he's the boss of all of us, and you really shouldn't say anything about him since there are cameras" Makoto pointed at the camera at the wall, it was really small and hidden but it was useful in case someone tried to break in, since they wouldn't be able to notice it.

Celeste looked really surprised as she noticed the camera. "Well I never said anything so he wouldn't be able to lay a finger on me." Celeste tried to act unbothered. "Anyways, why didn't Hifumi help you out with your paperwork today?" Makoto was quite curious considering Hifumi usually did everything Celeste asked of him.

"Well... I may have pushed my luck today and tried to make him do all of my paperwork rather than some of it." Celeste tried to downplay how mean that was. "He also said something about how he was late on writing the next chapter of his fanfiction or whatever, but I wasn't really paying attention because I was already yelling at him by that point." Celeste played with her hair, trying to avoid eye contact because she probably thought he would be looking at her in disapproval.

"But even so, that doesn't mean you have to stay here this late, and it looks like you've barely made any progress." Makoto pointed at the large heap of remaining paperwork. "Well... I thought Hifumi would do it no matter what so I did wait until the last minute to tell him." Celeste said in a bit of a quieter tone, knowing that what she did was just really mean

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