Makoto's plan

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Everyone turned to look at Mukuro who still had a blank expression

"Why would we believe that?" Kyoko asked Monokuma. "Well if you want to believe it, all you have to do is rub off the foundation on her hand to get your answer." Monokuma disappeared, probably to watch the chaos unfold from behind a screen

"Junko, if that's your real name. Can you let someone take your hand?" Kyoko asked "... why not just do it yourself?" Mukuro asked, she sounded as cold as Usual but Makoto could slightly hear the she was annoyed, which Makoto understood why

"I have a problem with hands." Kyoko said, tightening her gloves. "Then can I ask Makoto to do it?" Mukuro looked at him. It looked like she partly came to terms with the fact that she was going to have to reveal herself but Makoto didn't expect this to happen

Makoto nodded and went to get a wet towel, when he came back, he noticed everyone was quiet and they were just waiting for him to remove the foundation from Mukuro's hands. "B-Before I do this, I just want everyone to know that even if Junko isn't who says she is, we shouldn't just turn on her instantly." Makoto said with some worry in his voice as he removed the foundation frome Mukuro's hand, revealing the Fenrir tattoo

"Let me take a closer look at that." Byakuya pushed Makoto aside to look at the tattoo. "This tattoo belongs to a mercenary group. Who are you? You better explain!" Byakuya pointed a finger at her

Mukuro took a deep breath. "My name is Mukuro Ikusaba, I'm Junko's sister and I'm known as the ultimate soldier." Mukuro said in her real voice. "I was with the mastermind, until Makoto convinced me to go against them."

"Yeah, man, I'm not buying any of this crap. You're seriously trying to tell me this chick isn't Junko?" Leon said with skepticism. "I believe it." Sakura said. "Makoto came and stopped me when I was with the mastermind so I have no doubt that he would do the same for her." Sakura explained

"But why're you dressed up like your sister?" Sayaka asked, hiding behind Makoto in case something goes wrong. "She was sick on the day we were supposed to go so she told me to dress up as her and go in her place, but when the killing game began, I was worried that taking off the disguise would make you all suspicious of me." Mukuro explained with lies

"So are you still with the mastermind, you fiend?!" Hifumi said with fear, clearly not paying attention to what she said beforehand. "No, not anymore, but I would completely understand if you don't trust me." Mukuro said, dejected.

There were lots of little whispers and almost everyone left eventually, except Hina, Sakura, Sayaka and Kyoko. "Why aren't you guys leaving?" Mukuro asked, confused. "I too have been through what you've gone through, so I have no reason to doubt you." Sakura said

"I would totally leave if I could but Sakura trusts you for some reason and I'm sticking with her." Hina said. " And as for me, I trust in Makoto's judgment." Kyoko said. "M-Me too" Sayaka said, still hiding behind Makoto.

"And of course, I trust you Mukuro, but we need a way to prove to everyone that you're on our side. Makoto said "And how are we going to do that, exactly?" Sakura asked. "Well, I have a plan and it needs you, Mukuro and Chihiro to work." Makoto said

"I'll go get Chihiro then." Sayaka said, using it as an excuse to leave. "Be sure to tell him to go to the bathhouse." Makoto said to Sayaka as she left the gym. "We should go to the bathhouse to relax a bit before we discuss our plan." Makoto said, with everyone understanding what he really meant

"I do need to go to the bathroom first so you guys wait for me in the bathhouse, okay?" Makoto said as he left the gym. He didn't actually need to use the bathroom, but he did need to go into the secret room to get Alter Ego

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