Makoto saves Chihiro and Mondo

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It was now time for the second motive but Makoto only had his eyes on three people. Junko, Leon and Sayaka. If their secrets were bad enough, they might end up doing something bad and Makoto didn't want that to happen.

Not much changed with Leon and Sayaka being alive. One thing that did was the fact that Mukoro didn't have to die, which was a good thing but Makoto had to be wary of her. Who knows what she might do now that she didn't die. The second floor also opened up because of Makoto's deal with Monokuma.

One other difference was the arguments that always happened first thing in the morning between Taka and Leon because he always shows up last. It was a little irritating but Makoto was just happy to know that Leon was still alive.

And the smallest difference was that Hiro still thought everything was a joke because he never got that wake up call from when Mukoro died.

As everyone looked at their papers. Makoto saw no change in Junko's expression, a look of bother on Leon's face and a look of fear on Sayaka's face. "Man, if this gets out, my ego and pride are gonna be screwed." Leon said.

"Why's that?" Makoto asked. " I'm not telling you, man!" Leon kept the paper next to his chest and ran.

(If you're wondering, Leon's secret was that despite the fact a bunch of girls went out with him, he never managed to keep a single one for longer than a week)

Makoto felt a tug on his shirt and when he turned around, he saw that it was Sayaka. "Makoto, can you come with me?" Sayaka still looked really scared. "Of course." Makoto couldn't say no to her anyways, he had to keep her in check.

Sayaka took him to one of the classrooms on the second floor. "Makoto. He's planning to tell everyone what I did to become an idol." As soon as they entered. Sayaka started trembling heavily. "You mean the people you hurt to become an idol?" Makoto knew because she mentioned it but he didn't know exactly what she did.

"Yeah, and I just don't know what to do." Sayaka hugged herself in an attempt to calm down. "I know it's scary , but please don-'' Sayaka interrupted. " I know! I'm not going to do anything but this is just very scary." Makoto walked up to her and gave her a hug.

"I know. I'm scared too but we're going to get through this. We're going to make it out of here" Makoto really didn't know whether he was helping or not. "I know." Sayaka hugged him back and he comforted her for a while.


It was the day before Chihiro's death and Makoto was scrambling. He had spent his last couple of days with Chihiro and sometimes with Mondo but he wasn't sure if words would be enough this time

His big concern this time was saving Chihiro. He didn't really have a plan. All he knew was that he was going to try to convince Chihiro to not go to train his body, so that he wouldn't go to the changing rooms.

Makoto waited until around 1:40 AM before heading out to wait near the stairs of the second floor. Chihiro's time of death was around 2 AM so Chihiro should show up sooner or later and he can confront him.

And after 10 minutes, Chihiro showed up. "M-M-Makoto? W-What're you doing here?" As soon as Chihiro saw him, he froze. "Chihiro. There you are. Can I talk to you?" Makoto realized a second too late what he had said, it made sound like he was expecting Chihiro to be there so he might suspicious of him

"S-Sure. What did you want to talk about?" Chihiro stopped freaking out and walked up to him. "Look, I know it might sound bad, but can you not go to the changing rooms?" Despite the fact Makoto had several days to prepare, he had no idea what to say to convince Chihiro.

"W-What? Why not?" Chihiro raised his voice, clearly not happy with what Makoto asked of him. "You don't really need to get stronger, you can just stay the way you are." Makoto was starting to panic on the inside. The words he was saying weren't really the smartest.

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