the future

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"And now, Byakuya Togami swears that he'll rebuild the Togami corporation, even if he has to side with despair to do it, and in other news, Towa ci-" Makoto turned off the news that was playing as he entered his office

He had a lot of paperwork to get through and he wasn't excited. It had been a month since Makoto and his friends escaped the killing game and quite a lot happened since then, most important is that they joined an organization by the name of the future foundation

Him and his friends were considered so important That they got their own division that they could work in, it was pretty cool, and they were even allowed to decide how they ran their division and everything.

Makoto was allowed to be one of the three leaders, the other two were Byakuya and Kyoko. He was still the lowest in rank out of the three but they always took his ideas into consideration and usually followed them.

Makoto took his bottle of Panadol and put a tablet in his mouth, swallowing it. After the killing game, Makoto ended up with quite a dependence on them, they just helped him ease the headaches that he started to get frequently

He sighed and got started on the paperwork, after a while he heard his door open and when he looked to see who it was, it turned out to be Sayaka. Hi Makoto! How are you doing with your paperwork?" She asked, with concern

Makoto sighed. "Well it's going, that's for sure" Makoto let out a little chuckle "do you need any help with it?" Sayaka offered. "Well that's quite thoughtful of you, and as much as I'd like to refuse, this paperwork is really bothering me."

Sayaka giggled a bit. "Don't worry about it, Makoto, you just go and have a nice walk." She said "Are you really sure?" Makoto asked, a bit unsure. "Well if you really wanna pay me back, then why don't you treat me to dinner?" Sayaka suggested, with a bit of a blush

"Sure! That sounds fair." Makoto got up from his chair. "I'll be back in a bit to help you out though." Makoto said which Sayaka nodded to, and he left his room. He was really happy that Sayaka was with him. Because of everything, Sayaka now worked as Makoto's secretary, and Makoto couldn't be happier

Aside from her secretary work, Sayaka also did some music concerts in an attempt to give some people hope and people seem to have really missed her. Makoto smiled to himself as he was leaving his room. He didn't really know what to do so he just went to go check on how everyone was doing.

He decided to check on Kyoko first since her office room was close to his. He knocked on her door. "Who is it?" Kyoko asked "Hey Kyoko! It's me, Makoto!" Makoto said loudly so she could hear him. "Come in." She said. Makoto entered her room.

"Hey Kyoko, just wanted to check how you were doing." Makoto said in a friendly tone. "Well I'm trying my best but what about you? You don't seem to be doing your work." Kyoko said, looking at him as if he did something bad.

"Well Sayaka said she would do some of my paperwork so I can relax for a bit." Makoto said, scratching the back of his head. "I see, and here I thought you were a gentleman but you just delegated your work to Sayaka." Kyoko said, looking at him with a look he couldn't really describe, it was both a look of jealousy and disgust at the same time

"She asked for dinner in return so it's a fair trade in my opinion." Makoto chuckled. "Dinner, you say?" Kyoko's expression lost its disgust but kept some of its jealousy. "Well either way, if you came to check up on me then I'm doing good, a bit better now that you came to check up on me." Kyoko said with some emotion

"Well I'm not going to take any of your time so keep working hard." Makoto gave her a thumbs up as he left her office room. Kyoko was the second in command in their division, but despite that, she always considered Makoto as higher than her

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