Makoto stops the traitor

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Makoto looked at the body for no more than two seconds before calling Monkuma. " Oh no! Who could have done this?!" Monokuma put on a fake voice as he appeared. "Can you give me the Monokuma file already?" Makoto took out his hand and opened it up.

"Sure thing bucko! But how'd you know about the Monkuma file and aren't you going to tell your buds?" Makoto ignored Monokuma's questions and looked at the file. It seemed Mukoro died from a stroke caused by a hit to the throat and died at around 12 AM.

Makoto read through the File a couple more times before going back downstairs to the dining hall with a poker face. "Hey Mondo, Chihiro. Yesterday, did you see the gate to the third floor open?" Makoto asked.

"Nah, I didn't but maybe Chihiro did." Mondo pointed at Chihiro but all Chihiro did was shake his head. " I see, thank you for confirming that." Makoto said as he went into the kitchen, took a knife, and plunged it into his heart.

When he opened his eyes again, he was in the emptiness. "Makoto, this is bad! Really bad! What happened was different and we have no idea who did it!" Usami was shouting and was clearly panicking.

"I already know who did it. It's Sakura." Makoto said as he got up. "What? What makes you think that?" Usami put a paw on her nonexistent jaw to resemble a thinking pose. "Well, there's two reasons. One, was Monokuma's mention of loyalty which is him trying to hint at there being the traitor and two, no one would be able to go to the higher floors other than Mukoro and Sakura." Makoto let out all his assumptions and thoughts.

"But Monokuma said that he opened the third floor at night time." Usami said, trying to refute his point. "He did say that but me, Chihiro and Mondo were all awake after nighttime and none of us saw the gate open so that means only someone who can go to the third floor can do the kill and since Junko is dead, that only leaves Sakura." Makoto said, trying to also sound a little cool.

"Not to mention that there's only a couple of people who kill someone with a stroke, mainly Mondo and Sakura. And while that does mean Mondo might have done it, I do think Sakura is a lot more likely to commit the crime." Makoto explained his reasoning in length.

"That does make sense, but do you have a plan to stop her? Usami said, looking a little bit paranoid. " not yet but I'll think of something." Makoto said. He was a little scared but he didn't want to admit it. He was scared because this was different. He didn't know if he could stop it.

"Well I'm sure you'll be able to get through this. I believe you, now go do your best." Usami forced a smile and gave him a wave. Next time he blinked, he was back in the classroom.


It was the day before the announcement for the second motive and Makoto was able to come up with a plan. He wasn't sure if it would work but he put some hope into it. The plan was to get Sakura to confess that she's the traitor while Hina watches in secret

Hina was hiding in classroom A on the second floor and Makoto would take Sakura to classroom B where then Hina would go hide behind the door to classroom B and hear Sakura confess. That's what Makoto hoped for anyways.

He went over to the pool area where he found Sakura working out?" Hey Sakura. Can I talk to you about something important somewhere more private?" Makoto tried to sound concerned. "Sure. Lead the way" Sakura was always direct with her words.

Makoto uneasily took her to the classroom. "So what is it that you'd like to discuss?" Sakura said, with her arms crossed. "You're in cahoots with the mastermind of this whole thing, right Sakura?" Makoto said as directly as possible.

"What makes you think, Makoto?" Sakura's expression didn't change. "Well, I don't remember when, but I saw you go up to the third floor at one point and unless you can provide an explanation as to how you got up and why you didn't tell us, we're going to be very suspicious of you." Makoto tried to be as direct and cold with his remarks as possible.

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