Chapter 2: A Fanatic who lies

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The most epic thing was happening right in front of me. It was something so epic that I couldn't possibly put it into words. A game that was all about killing and destroying.

I would dare to even go far and say that this game could end friendships and bring tears to a person, bringing a person to their knees.

What game could this possibly be? What game could possibly do all of these terrifying things all at once?

"Could you please move a piece instead of thinking about the usual stupid things you do?" Arisu sighed looking at the chessboard.

First of all, that was seriously rude of her. Arisu defiantly has one attitude for a girl.

And yeah.


We were playing Chess. It was a game that ruined friendships. It was currently ruining ours as we speak.

Though Arisu brimmed with a mix of camaraderie and competitive spirit. The intricately carved chess pieces adorned the board, awaiting our every move.

"Yeah. . . Yeah, whatever." I mumbled.

The opening moves flowed smoothly, with each of us displaying a deep understanding of the game's dynamics. Arisu mirrored my moves with an air of confidence, her focus unwavering.

In the corner of my eyes, I could see Uncle Sakayanagi drawing closer to the game of ours. He distanced himself well enough to the point where he wouldn't interrupt us, but close enough that he would see what was unfolding. He watched with fascination.

I stared at Arisu deadpanned. "Are you seriously just going to copy my every move?"

Arisu simply chuckled shrugging her shoulders at me. "Not being able to copy an opponent's move isn't a rule Hiro."

This girl can be really irritating sometimes.

As the middle game approached, my strategic brilliance started to shine. I exploited the tiniest imbalances on the board, maneuvering my pieces with surgical precision. Arisu countered with insightful moves, her eyes scanning the board as she calculated the possibilities.

"Nervous are we Arisu?" I simply teased her. "Come on now where's that playful banter we both have when we're playing chess?"

She glared at me for a split second telling me how she felt.


She turned her focus onto the board. That's exactly when I knew I was most certainly getting the upper hand from her.

Arisu's queen slid across the board, hinting at an impending threat, but my response was swift and masterful. A subtle pawn move created an escape route for my king, while simultaneously undermining Arisu's position. The tension in the room was palpable as we both recognized the stakes.

With every move, I carved out advantages, outwitting Arisu at every turn. My pieces converged harmoniously, controlling vital squares and limiting her options. The pressure mounted, and as Arisu contemplated her next move, a faint smile tugged at my lips.

Arisu's brow furrowed, and she executed a tactical sequence, sacrificing a knight to expose my king's position. But I was a step ahead, having seen the sacrifice coming. I calmly exchanged pieces, dismantling her attacking chances while consolidating my advantage.

The endgame neared, and my dominant position was evident to all. My rooks infiltrated her territory, placing her king in a stranglehold. Arisu fought valiantly, her movements infused with determination. But every counterplay she attempted was met with an ironclad response.

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