Chapter 11: There is always time

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It was the first day on the job, and I was pumped up and ready for whatever action to come my way. Because I was Vice President I thought it would be good if I rocked up 5 minutes earlier to the place.

Little did I know when I got to the place, they would already be there.

"You're late." Horikita looked at his watch, with an all-knowing smug look on his face. Almost as if he was expecting this to be the case.

Nagumo nudged him on the shoulder, "Cut him some slack, he's new to the job." He winked over at me.

The doors were wide open as the seniors entered the building while Ichinose and Katsuragi waited patiently for my next command.

"How are you guys feeling?" I looked cheerfully over at them.

"I'm excited!" Ichinose beamed brightly as usual.

"Likewise." Katsuragi nodded.

"Let's begin then."

We entered the room with all its members waiting for us patiently.

The student council room buzzed with an air of anticipation as members gathered for the inaugural meeting. The polished wooden table, adorned with notebooks and the faint scent of enthusiasm, bore witness to the beginning of a collaborative journey.

Seated at the head of the table, Horikita addressed the room, "Thank you all for being here. Today marks the beginning of a shared commitment to making our high school experience the best it can be. As your President, I'm eager to collaborate with each of you."

The room hummed with responsive nods and smiles. The diversity of the student council, representative of the entire student body, promised a wealth of perspectives and ideas.

"I believe in the power of collaboration," Horikita continued. "This room isn't just a space for meetings; it's a platform for positive change. So, let's start by introducing ourselves. Share your name, your role, and one thing you're passionate about changing or improving in our school."

The introductions unfolded, revealing a tapestry of ambitions—from enhancing extracurricular activities to fostering a stronger sense of community. Each voice contributed a unique hue to the collective vision of progress.

Once the introductions concluded, Horikita facilitated a dialogue about the goals and aspirations of the student council. "What are the key areas we want to focus on? How can we make a tangible impact?"

A spirited exchange of ideas ensued. The student council room transformed into a dynamic forum where voices, though varied, harmonized in a shared commitment to elevate the high school experience. The whiteboard, once blank, became a canvas for mapping out initiatives and charting the course for the coming months.

"We have a responsibility to the student body," Horikita emphasized, "and with that responsibility comes the opportunity to create positive change. Let's ensure our efforts resonate with every student, fostering an environment where everyone can thrive."

Ichinose whispered beside me, "he's really good."

I nodded as I couldn't help but be captivated by his words. He was a natural-born leader, no wonder he was the president.

It seemed like it was Nagumo's turn for his little speech.

His presence, marked by quiet confidence, commanded attention as he began to articulate his vision for running the school.

"Thank you all for being here," Nagumo began, his tone measured yet compelling. "I believe in a school that thrives on efficiency, where every student is encouraged to excel not just academically, but in all aspects of their high school journey."

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