Chapter 15: Preparations are in order

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Well, this was a weird dynamic. Never in a million years, had I expected to hang out with these kind of people. Besides Shiina of course, she was always nice to hang out with.

But these people? Defiantly not.

"How long is Ryuen going to make us wait?" Ibuki grumbled with her arms folded tapping her foot impatiently onto the ground. That was the only noise that I could hear at the moment.

With Albert towering over us, it was pretty intimidating not going to lie. His size and structure made him a formidable opponent. It always surprises me through trial and error that Ryuen would continuously fight Albert until he just gave up altogether.

That's why it made me a bit curious as well. I sort of wanted to fight him as well. Of course, I knew he'd be harder than the average person but he wouldn't be too much of a problem if I landed a clean strike on him.

I didn't have the best teacher in the world for no reason. I would forever be in your debt Inueo. Now he was a true fighter.

Ishizaki let out a loud groan to purposely let us understand his frustration, kicking a water bottle.

"He always does this! It really pisses me off."

Shiina the voice of reason spoke up, "Just give him some time, he'll be here. In the meantime why don't we just talk normally?"

Ibuki shrugged her shoulders in response, "What's there to talk about?"

"That's exactly why I need to talk. To get to know one another more." She said with such an angelic voice that even Ibuki couldn't even say no to, as she let out a big sigh.

"So. . ." Ibuki started, "What are you guys doing in your spare time?"

"Boxing." Albert gave his one-word answer.

"Uh. . ." Ishizaki started scratching his head in thought, "I also like fighting as well." He smiled after giving his answer.

"I like reading." Shiina smiled to which everyone nodded.

Great, now it was my turn to give out an answer. Any answer would work with these guys.

I cleared my throat, "Well, since I'm the Vice President, I like helping people. . ."

Immediately Ibuki snickered, "You like helping people?"

I tilted my head in confusion, "Yeah what about it?"

"If anything I think you're ruthless. After that Sudo, I think you're worse than Ryuen."


Being compared to Ryuen was a new low that I had reached. It wasn't a surprise that everyone knew about the Sudo case, it was expected. News travels fast around these parts of the school.  

But come on being on Ryurn's level? Maybe I was just being salty and all but it is what I wanted in the first place after all. If anything it seemed that Ibuki was a little bit afraid of me.

"I had no choice, Ryuen made me do it." I sadly said.

"Doesn't matter, you're the one who did it." Ibuki fired back.

Damn, Ibuki. . . You one cruel girl. She had no mercy for a guy like me.

"Hey!" Ishizaki stated. "If it wasn't for Hatanaka I wouldn't be in this school. He does help people." He looked over at me with a smile.

Ishizaki. You're bringing a tear to my eye.

You saviour!

Now this is exactly why I didn't expel him from the school.

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