Chapter 6: What it can be

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Standing outside the door of Class C, I took a deep breath and felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. The hallway was quiet, and the sound of muffled voices and footsteps from inside the classroom added to the sense of anticipation.

My hand reached for the door handle, and for a brief moment, I hesitated. It was as if I were on the threshold of a new adventure, about to step into a space filled with the promise of learning and growth.

With a final deep breath, I turned the handle and pushed the door open. The room was filled with rows of desks, and whiteboards, but there was barely conversation to be heard. They were just staring at their desk or on their phones half the time.

As I entered, I was greeted with death stares, definitely not a warm welcome at all.

"Glad you can make it Hatanaka. My name is Sakagami, I am your homeroom teacher." He said sternly but on the corner of his lips, I sensed a smile appearing.

I sat on my allocated seat next to an awfully short girl who had white hair. However, she did have a charm that made her cute. Appearance alone, it seemed that she might have been a little puppy in her own little world.

After all, she was reading a book.

A very good book.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.

As the lesson began, the teacher started explaining the subject matter, his voice filled with passion and knowledge. However, I couldn't help but notice that many of my classmates appeared disengaged. Their expressions ranged from mild indifference to outright boredom.

Some students were slouched in their chairs, their eyes glazed over, while others were surreptitiously scrolling on their phones beneath their desks. It was as if the lesson had failed to capture their interest.

I, on the other hand, was eager to learn and participate. The material was fascinating, and I felt a genuine thirst for knowledge. I raised my hand to ask a question, but as I did, I noticed that the teacher's enthusiasm was not matched by the majority of my peers.

Sure I already knew everything that the teacher was saying as the content was fairly easy. I learnt this when I was just a kid. It was nothing really special but it was the only way that I didn't get bored.

The indifference in the classroom created a stark contrast to the teacher's dedication and my eagerness. It was as if the lesson had become a one-sided endeavour, where knowledge was offered but not always received with the same level of enthusiasm.

At that moment, I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. I knew that education was a two-way street, where both teachers and students played vital roles. The disinterest of some of my classmates seemed to cast a shadow over the potential for vibrant, interactive learning.

The teacher transported us through time, weaving vivid narratives of the past. They described ancient civilizations, legendary battles, and the rise and fall of empires with such vivid detail that the classroom seemed to transform into a portal to another era.

I found myself drawn into the stories, my imagination taking flight as I envisioned the great leaders, the monumental events, and the societal changes that had shaped our world. The history lesson was like a journey through time, and I was an eager traveller.

The teacher's passion was contagious, and it ignited a spark of curiosity within me. I took notes diligently, wanting to capture the essence of the lesson and preserve it for future exploration.

"That is all." Sakagami closed his book. "Class is dismissed." He left the room.

Students in my class were all divided into their own little groups not wanting to talk to one another.

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