Chapter 10

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Camila ran faster, trying not to listen to Lori calling out for her. This was too much emotion for her. She ran as fast as she could. It was something Camila Cabello excelled at.

As she ran, she thought about Lucy, and her anger grew. If it weren't for her, none of this would be happening. She would have her life back; she would be... what, she thought as she slowed down. She stopped running and bent over, feeling like she was going to vomit. She straightened up, took a deep breath, and started walking down the gravel road, enjoying the beauty of the forest.

Suddenly, she turned around to head back and stopped. Running a hand through her messy ponytail, she continued walking away from the cabin.

Did she really want her old life back? What life? Ariana, who really didn't care about her? Oh, the sex was mind-blowing, but that was quickly becoming unimportant to Camila. She stopped and laughed out loud. "What are the chances of that happening?" She shook her head and took a small path that led into the woods.

Lucy, she thought. Lucy Vives was a force of nature, that was true. When they met at the Chicago airport, Camila was smitten. They both hailed the same taxi at O'Hare Airport during a storm.

Flashback On

Camila held the folder over her head, trying to stay dry as she hailed for a taxi. She barely noticed the pilot next to her doing the same. When the taxi screeched to a halt at the curb, both the pilot and Camila reached for the door. Camila thought the pilot would be a gentleman and let her take the taxi. She was pleasantly surprised to see a pair of soulful brown eyes glaring at her.

"I saw it first," the woman said, reaching for the door.

Camila smiled and opened it. "Look, it's raining, let's share it before we drown."

The woman narrowed her eyes for a moment, then got into the taxi. Camila followed suit and wiped the rain off her face. "What a downpour."

The taxi driver glanced over his shoulder. "Where are you ladies headed?"

"The Drake Hotel," the woman answered first.

Camila raised an eyebrow and looked at her. "The Drake, huh? Very fancy. I think I'll go there too. Love the restaurant in that hotel." She looked back at the smirking pilot. "Would you care to join me for dinner?" Camila offered her hand. "Camila Cabello."

The pilot accepted the offered hand. "Lucy Vives."

For a moment, they just looked at each other. The taxi driver cleared his throat. "The meter's running. So, the Drake?"

Lucy never took her eyes off Camila. "The Drake."

Camila smiled and settled back.

"This is a nice restaurant," Lucy said as she drank from her water glass.

"Thanks for waiting while I changed."

Camila nodded. "No problem. You were more drenched than I was."

Lucy shrugged. "I offered you my room to dry off."

Camila raised an eyebrow. "That was very kind of you. Maybe I'll take a rain check." She then focused back on ordering the wine. "Would you like some wine?"

"Yes, please. Go ahead. I have no idea about wine."

The waiter approached the table, and Camila ordered the bottle of wine. It was only when he walked away that Camila spoke up. "So, tell me about yourself, Lucy Vives."

"Not much to tell. I was born in Indiana. Only child, have loving parents, but missed having friends. My father was in the military, so we traveled a lot."

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