Chapter 8

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Throughout the entire drive back home, Camila felt a pit in her stomach as she thought about her conversation with Dinah. Ariana's angry face flashed in her mind, and she groaned out loud. She actually had a good relationship with Ariana. There were no strings attached, no attachments, no emotional traps or jealousy. Well, this recent incident showed Camila that Ariana could be the jealous type. However, Camila couldn't blame her. If the roles were reversed, Camila would be equally annoyed. Would she? What if Ariana was seeing someone else?

"I have no idea what the hell I'm doing anymore," Camila said as she drove. "I was happy and content, and now look at me."

She looked at the wrapped packages and rolled her eyes. "What am I doing?" She let out a helpless groan and watched the white lines on the road pass by. She couldn't help but compare it to her life as she knew it.

After spending the entire trip arguing with herself, she turned down the access road, smiling at the sight of the cabin and the lake. In truth, she missed it all—the cabin, the lake, and her two guests.

She heard Lori's voice as she unloaded her luggage from the trunk.

"Cami... Cami!"

At the sound of Lori's joyful voice, Camila smiled widely and turned around. She saw the tiny human running toward her and stumbling. Lori let out a grunt as she wiped her hands.

Camila rushed over to her, and at the same time, Lauren came running around the corner of the cabin. They both reached the whimpering child simultaneously. "I give up."

"Are you okay, Shortround?" Camila asked.

Lori nodded happily as Lauren dusted off her bottom. Lauren looked at Camila and smiled. "Hey," she said, breathless.

"Hey," Camila replied.

For a moment, neither of the women said another word.

"Did you have a good trip? You look tired," Lauren said, breaking the silence. "Well, Lori is happy to see you."

"It was productive." Camila scratched her neck.

Lauren tilted her head and smiled. "That's good."

"I have no idea," Camila said with a nervous laugh and picked up Lori. Camila swung her over her shoulder, and her little friend burst into laughter.

"Did you miss me?" Camila asked, looking at Lauren.

"Uh-huh. Miss you." Lori laughed as Camila tickled her along the way. Camila held her at the hip as she grabbed her bag.

The three of them climbed up onto the deck, and Camila set Lori down with a groan.

"I go fimming," Lori said cheerfully, then looked at her mother.

"You did? With Mama?" Camila saw Lauren's stern maternal gaze as Lori looked at the ground and put a finger in her mouth.

"Okay. What's going on?" Camila asked.

"Lorelai Jauregui?" Lauren said firmly.

Camila raised an eyebrow. Lorelai Jauregui? This can't be good, she thought.

"I go fimming, by mineself," Lori murmured softly.

Camila's eyes widened in shock. "By yourself?" she exclaimed.

Suddenly, Camila had images of that little thing lying face down in the lake. She knelt down, placed a finger under Lori's chin, and lifted it. "Sweetie, never go to the lake alone. Promise me," Camila said, her heart pounding in her ears. She looked at Lauren.

"You let her go to the beach alone?"

Lauren's green eyes gleamed with anger. Camila saw the astonished look and realized she said the wrong thing. Lauren didn't say anything as her nostrils burned with anger. "I hope you had a good trip."

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