Chapter 24

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Camila was nervous by the fireplace in the wooden cabin as the fire warmed the cold February night. They had rearranged the living room to accommodate the few guests.

Dinah reached out and straightened her collar. "You look beautiful," she whispered.

Camila wore an ivory silk blouse tucked into a pair of brown wool pants that accentuated her tall figure. A single red rose adorned the lapel of her open tweed blazer.

"You got the ring?" she asked quickly, and Dinah nodded patiently.

Then the old priest approached and took his place.

"You look as nervous as a cat, Camila," he said, and Camila gave him a sickly smile.

She saw her grandmother holding Caleb, who was thankfully sleeping.

Mercedes winked at Camila. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too, Gram."

"Well, it's not St. Patrick's," Mercedes said. "But like I said years ago, you try to keep me away."

Camila smiled and kissed her. "Thank you, Gram."

Mercedes sat in the front row of chairs. The guests may have been few, but they were Lauren and Camila's closest friends. Ally's children sat patiently. John and Megan smiled happily; John gave Camila a look of pure admiration. Everyone who meant the most to her and Lauren was here.

Then Camila heard the bedroom door open; she smiled when she saw Lori coming out first. She wore a tweed sweater and a blouse underneath because "I dress like Cami," she told them both.

Lauren was relieved. "At least she wants to wear something," she said.

With her raven curls pulled back, her green eyes smiled, and she waved at Camila as she walked slowly towards her. Camila gave her a short nod and a wink. What Camila saw next transformed her, and her heart would never be the same again.

In Shawn's arms was the most beautiful woman Camila had ever seen. Lauren wore a tweed skirt and a matching blazer, complementing her companion's coloring with her loose raven hair. In her hands, she held a small bouquet of red roses.

As Shawn led Lauren towards her life, Camila's breath caught in her throat.

Around Lauren's neck was the gold necklace with the dream catcher pendant. Camila's eyes filled with tears as Lauren smiled and raised her hand to lovingly stroke the pendant.

Normani and Dinah stood as witnesses; Camila and Lauren turned to the priest.

"Well, these are the marriages I find most appealing. This union between these two women is special. Special because we live in a very precarious world where unfortunately love is not measured by what is in the heart but by gender.

"Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui have proven that love transcends gender. This love is simply... Love. Nothing more and nothing less. When two hearts meet, nothing else matters. It is truly what Christ preached: to love one another as He loved each one of us. That's why I applaud and rejoice in their union.

"In a world of racism, hatred, and unwillingness to accept others as they are, these two women are an example of all that is good in this world. Of what we aspire to and hope to be one day. It is, therefore, my honor to join them in matrimony. Join hands..." he said and smiled.

Camila took Lauren's hand and held it firmly.

"You, Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, accept Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado? To love, honor, and cherish always? Forsaking all others and knowing only this woman for the rest of your time on this earth?"

"I do," Camila said confidently. Lauren squeezed her hand tightly.

"And you, Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado, accept Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao? To love, honor, and cherish always? Forsaking all others and knowing only this woman for the rest of your time on this earth?"

Lauren nodded, desperately trying not to cry. "Yes," Lauren finally said as she fought back tears. Camila lovingly rolled her eyes and held her tight.

"Rings?" he asked, and Dinah handed the ring to Camila. "Place it on her finger and speak to this woman of your love and commitment."

Camila placed the ring on Lauren's finger and smiled joyfully. "All my life, I have been running, and all the while, I was running to you. Thank you, Lauren Jauregui, for saving me..."

Lauren blinked to contain her tears, then Normani handed her the wedding ring.

"Place it on her finger and speak to this woman of your love and commitment."

Lauren held Camila's warm hand and slid the ring onto her long, slender finger.

"I found myself in you, Camila Cabello. You are my heart and the depth of my soul. I thank God for His kindness. I will love you always."

Camila smiled and leaned in for a kiss. The priest coughed softly, and Camila blushed bright red.

"Fiery..." Lauren whispered with a smirk.

Camila playfully pinched her beloved as she held her arm.

"In the presence of God and these witnesses and friends, I now pronounce you partners in this life. To live and love in the eyes of God," he said and smiled. "Now, Camila, you may kiss your bride..."

Camila smiled and pulled Lauren into her arms. She looked into those green eyes and kissed her deeply. Lauren returned the kiss, completely breathless when Camila let go.

Lori tugged on Camila's blazer. As always, she scooped her up, hugged her tightly, and gave her a big kiss. Mercedes handed Caleb to Lauren. The baby woke up and started crying as Lauren held and rocked him.

"Caleb cwying again..." Lori said sadly, and Camila laughed.

"That's because he's just a baby, not a big kid like you, Shortround," Camila said, tickling his stomach. The four of them embraced as the celebration began.

Through all the kisses and hugs, their eyes met in a loving gaze; both found heaven and happiness there. Camila winked and raised her ring finger. Lauren smiled and raised hers too.

"Always..." they both said.

The winds of the sky brought them together. Camila and Lauren would ride those winds, whether fair or stormy, for the rest of their lives. They would grow old together, watch their children start their own families, and spoil their grandchildren.

In the end, they would find comfort in each other's arms as they sat by the fire in the beloved log cabin.

Not even death would separate them. The winds of the sky would reunite them, and they would blend forever with sweet emotion - forever, for always.


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