Chapter 18

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"Stay still, baby," Lauren said as she tied the cape around Lori's shoulders. "This old bedsheet is perfect."

Lori squirmed as she tried to stand still. "Do I look like SupewGirl, Mama?"

"I'm sure you do, sweetheart."

Lori looked at Mercedes, who winked and nodded. "Just like Camila used to when she was your age."

"I was never that little," Camila said.

"What a night for tricks or treats," Mercedes said. She and Lauren watched as Camila took Lori's hand and led her down the sidewalk.

Lauren smiled as she heard Lori announce, "Twick or tweet."

Mercedes laughed out loud. "What an adorable child. Lori is cute too."

Lauren laughed along but remained silent when Mercedes stopped and turned to her. "You're in love with my granddaughter, aren't you?"

She saw the crimson color rise from Lauren's neck to her cheeks. Even her ears were red. "Yes, Mercedes. I believe I might be hopelessly in love with Camila."

"You seem a bit hesitant," Mercedes said and was interrupted by Lori as she ran up to Lauren. She carried her orange pumpkin and presented it to Lauren.

"Look, Mama. I got candies," Lori exclaimed breathlessly.

"I see that, darling. Did you say thank you?"

Lori nodded and looked at Mercedes. "Look, Gamma, I got candies."

"How wonderful, Lori. Are you having fun, sweetheart?" She bent down and tapped Lori's chin.

Once again, Lori nodded, then grabbed Camila's hand. "C'mon, Cami."

Camila laughed and allowed her to pull her down the sidewalk to the next house. Lauren and Mercedes followed behind.

"So, I sense some uncertainty, Lauren."

Lauren shrugged. "I don't know, Mercedes. Camila has been single for so long. And she made her views on commitment and children very clear."

"That was before she fell in love with you." When Lauren didn't respond, Mercedes continued. "And she is in love with you."

"How can you be so sure?" Lauren asked. She smiled as she watched Camila gently nudge Lori up to the front door.

"Well, she hasn't gone trick-or-treating since she was a child. It's been a few days since I've heard her curse."

Lauren laughed at that. "I have to agree with you on that one."

"And I see the way she looks at you," Mercedes said. "I know that look. I see it on your face too."

Lauren bit her lower lip as she walked alongside Mercedes. "You need to be patient with her. I can't imagine it's easy for either of you."

"What do you mean?" Lauren asked.

Mercedes thought for a moment before answering. "Well, considering how you two met. How you both loved Lucy. And how you have a child and another on the way."

"That's my biggest concern," Lauren said. "I know Camila cares about me and Lori. But to be a permanent part of our lives. It might be asking too much."

"Perhaps," Mercedes agreed. "But don't give up, dear."

Lauren smiled and looked at Mercedes. "I can't. I'm stuck on your granddaughter."

Mercedes laughed and slipped her arm and held Lauren's. "I have a good feeling the feeling is mutual."

As the streetlights came on, Lauren informed Camila that it was time to head back. Camila frowned and looked at Lori's pumpkin. "Hmm. Okay, Shortround. You made quite a haul here. Let's go back and see what you got."

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