Chapter 2: Bait

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It took anothe gamble of another akuma. Hawk Moth deliberately crushed an intern's dream before sending a corrupted butterfly and then transformed back into Gabriel Agreste in time for Ladybug to rescue him.

There had been some absolutely terrifying moments where Adrien had vanished and Gabriel had almost changed his mind, but he stayed with it once he saw Adrien again. 

"Adrien!" Gabriel called out. 

He had all but sagged to the floor as he pulled his son into a tight embrace.

"Thank goodness you're all right!" he continued.

Adrien hugged back just as tightly. He nuzzled into Ladybug's shoulder slightly like he used to as a small child. Ladybug felt sensation squeeze his heart. Adrien deserved a life without fear and sorrow. He needed a life full of happiness and love. His mother needs to be home and safe once and for all. 

Gabriel felt his resolve stiffen. He was going to get Emilie back no matter what. Even if using Adrien as bait. 

With a deep breath, Gabriel straightended up and fixed an appropiately frateful expression on his face.

"Thank you, Ladybug for saving my son's life..." he began sweetly.

He tried not to gag on the words. This spiteful little minx had prevented and delayed his reunion with his wife for an entire year now. The thought of thanking Ladybug made him want to vomit.

"I owe you a freat dept of honor." "Oh," Ladybug flushed, "it's...erm...ah...nothing." 

Nothing! Gabriel thought. It was nothing to her that she kept thwarting his plans and ruining his life. Gabriel gritted his teeth. 

"It wasn't nothing, Ladybug!" Adrien protested.

He smiled radiantly a the black-spot-themed hero. His eyes widen with adoration as he gazed dreamily at the sneaky, sly, bug, Oh, Adrien... Gabriel thought again, wouldn't think so highly of her if you knew how she kept delaying your mother from coming back to you. 

"It was amazing! You're amazing!" Adrien conitnued, "Amazing, amazing, amazing! Oh my gosh, I can't stop saying, 'amazing!'" 

Ladybug's cheeks almost rivaled with her suit at this point.

"Th-Th-Th-Thank you!" she stammered and gabbled, "'re...gah...I mean you're so king! Really though it was nothing. Cat Noir did all the hard work." 

Had he? thought Gabriel with great interest. He recalled the cat-themed superhero got himself thrown across the office a good few times and then somehow managed to smack himself in the face with his baton when he tried to twirl it around for special effects. 

Perhaps Ladybug was a little fonder of he rpartner than Gabriel had originally thought, despite his awful flirts. That could work in his favour as well soon. Adrien shook his head however, looking utterly delighted.

"Cat Noir would be nothing without you though." he said sofly.

Ladybug shook her head.

"I would be nothing without Cat Noir." she replied firmly.

"Regardless," Gabriel said curtly, "I don't see Cat Noir here checking on our well-being like you. You truly are a role model to all."

He was going to need to soap his mouth after all of his nauseating gushin. Adrien didn't seem to like it either as he stiffened a little at Gabriel's pointed words against Cat Noir.

"Oh," Ladybug twitted gormlessly, "...I wouldn't say that!"

"Well, I do," replied Gabriel smoothly, "and in recognition of your heroic and compassionate actions, I wish to invite you to dinner this Friday. I would like to thank you personally."

Adrien brightened up at that.

"O-Oh!" Ladybug cried out, "I-I couldn't! I just did what anyone would do!"

"Nonsense." Gabriel smiled, "I don't see thousands of people fighting an akuma, do you? I insist. It's the least we can do after an entire year of you protecting us."

"I don't know..."

Gabriel's hand curled into a fist as he tried to keep his patience. Just a bit more coaxing, another syrupy compliment, and he might have her in the palm of his hand. He couldn't afford to lose his patience now. He's too close to give that up. Fortunately, Adrien proved just how perfect he truly was.

"Oh, please, Ladybug!" he pleaded sweetly.

His emerald green eyes wide and beseech and the loveliest smile, his mother's smile, etched on his face. Gabirle had often found it extremely difficult to say no to that face. Ladybug had no chance.

"Please come to dinner this Friday!" Adrien begged.

"Okay," Ladybug caved instantly, "I'd love to come."

It took every ince of Gabriel's self-control and restrain to not just suddenly pump his fist into the air and cheer like a cheerleader. Finally. Something was going his way for once.

"We could be honored." Gabriel smiled.

Adrien grinned brillantly at Ladybug who blushed so deeply that her cheeks have finally now matched the scarlet color of her mask while she smiled back sweetly. Gabriel coughed pointedly.

"Ah!" Ladybugcried out suddenly, "I...erm...should go! Before, you know, earrings, time limit?!"

And with an awkward wave, she all but flunged herself out of the window. Adrien sighed dreamily. Gabriel's eye twitched sliglhtly at that.

"I do believe," he said softly, "that you have homework that needs completing if you wish to spend Friday dinning with a supergirl?"

"Yes, Father." Adrien mumbled obediently.

Gabriel felt his heart twinged with guilt at the miserable expression on his boy's face but by the time he worked up the nerve to reach out for a shoudler squeeze or to say something encouraging and loving, Adrien had already shuffled out of his office. 

Gabriel turned to his eyes to Emilie's prtrait and drank in her beautiful features, her glorious smile, and despaired how the artist, despite being the best in the buisness still, failed to capture her warmth and angelic aura. Gabriel reach out to trouch her cheek. 

"We'll be back together very soon, my dear." he whispered, "Adrien shall be able to smile because of you again."

Just a little more. Just a few more days. Just the right drug to keep a teenage superhero sedated. Just a few minite to pull those earrings and find a way to message Cat Noir. And then he would be one more Miraculous, on more battle, away from his believed wife.

And after what had felt like the first time in so many centuries, an actual smile formed in his face.


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