Chapter 3: Pre-Dinner Blues

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"Oh my gosh, Tikki!" Mairnette screamed, "I don't even know what the heck to wear!"

It was late on Thursday evening and Mairnette had little under 24 hours to go until she was dining with *both* Adrien and Gabriel Agreste. She had been stressing over this for the past few days. This was to the point she almost hyperventilated right there in the middle of class.

What if she messed up and accidentally tripped over and fell on top of Adrien or Mr. Agreste, and ends up being dragged out of the mansion by the hulking tower that Adrien called "The Gorilla"? What if she accidentally spilled sour or something down her front and grossed the Agreste's out? What if she accidentally said something stupid and Mr. Agreste decides to banish her from Adrien for the rest of eternity What if somehow she accidentally gives away her identity and...and...and...? 

It was needless to say that Mairnette hasn't kept her sanitu. Nor has she gotten any sleep, or paid much attention to her surroundings when her mind was worrying 24/7. And now she's got several bruises from walking into thring repeatedly. 

Now he rbiggest concern was what was she going to wear. After all, Gabriel Agreste is a fasion designer and he'd be critiquing every item of clothing with his expert eye. 

Mairnette held up a formal Chinese dress her uncle spent one Christmas and she only ever wore for "extra-special occations." It'd be too formal and over the top.

Marinette then held out a sparkly pink dress that she made herself. However, it might be too flashy. She did consider just going by herself, but Adrien might think she's a slob if she'd do that. But none of her other skirts and tops look right, and Marinette didn't have many options left.

"I know that it's really last-minute," she asked, "You think if I didn't get sleep, and didn't go to school tomorrow, I could probably create a new ultra-cool outfit in time for dinner?"

"Oh, Marinette!" Tikki giggled, "I think you're worried over nothing!"

"What do you mean I'm worried over nothing?! I'm about to have dinner with Gabriel Agreste. He's one of my fashion heroes and the father of the boy I am madly in love with! If there was ever a time I should be worrying over my appearance, it's this time! I have to make a good impression."

"You already have made a good impression, but you shouldn't have to worry about what to wear because you're going to dinner as Ladybug, and Ladybug already has something to wear."

Realization and waves of exhaustion simultaneously crashed down on Marinette as she dropped her dresses to the ground. She sank onto her knees. She had forgotten about that little detail. It wasn't Marinette Dupain-Cheng going to dinner with the Agrestes, it was Ladybug invited for her heroic actions.

"Oh, yeah," Marinette murmured, "I forgot about that..."

She didn't need pretty dresses because she was stuck in the same scarlet suit as always.

"I wouldn't worry about anything, Marinette." said Tikki.

The little Kwami nuzzled Marinette's cheek comfortingly.

"I'm sure this dinner is going to go fantastically," she encouraged, "and then one day you will be invited as Marinette, and you can wear one of your designs, and impress both Mr. Agreste and Adrien."

Marinette cupped Tikki close to her cheek.

"Thanks, Tikki," she smiled, "I hope you're right."

"Go and get some rest." said Tikki softly, "you don't want dark circles under your eyes at dinner tomorrow, do you?"

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