Chapter 8: Finding Yourself

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Ladybug waited near the Eiffel Tower. She wore the same kind of mask she wore (unfortunately, it wasn't the real thing of course), a red sweater with black spots with sleeves stopping at her forearms, black pants, black belt with red buckle, red shoes, and a yellow backpack.

"Looking good, my lady." said Cat Noir.

He wore his black mask, a green sweater with a black vest on top. He also had some kind of war paint on him, two stripes on each cheek going horizontally. He also had a wooden staff in his hands.

"Not so bad yourself, Kitty." replied Ladybug.

They both mentioned that Hawk Moth had seemingly done some damage.  Ladybug's parents were in the hospital, according to doctors however, they'll make a full recovery.

Cat Noir's home didn't seem too attacked, so he must've been lucky.  Unknown to either of them, Hawk Moth's forgotten their identities thanks to Cat Noir making the roof collapse. Talking about going back to square one.

The two then stared at the Agreste Mansion. Their destination. They had no idea just how much time they had left. Maybe Hawk Moth had already made his wish, maybe he already won, but they weren't going to stop, not now.

"We go?" asked Cat Noir.

"Let's go." answered Ladybug.


The two began to sneak around the area. There, they spotted Hawk Moth's lair. Before they could move in, however, Cat Noir began to sneeze. However, that made Cat Noir's face turn to fear.

"We're not alone." was all he could say.

Suddenly, Mr. Pigeon dropped onto them. The two flew through the window.

"Stupid children..." Hawk Moth mumbled.

"Why're you doing this to those you love?!" the two demanded.

"I'm not doing this to 'them.' I'm doing this for 'them.'  And I'm too close to end it now."

Mr. Pigeon began to throw balls of pigeons at the dynamic duo. Cat Noir's allergies kept on getting in the way. He was distracted far too much to keep on focusing, forcing him to randomly swing his staff. Ladybug had to use her homemade yo-yo to keep them away.

"Sorry it had to end this way, children." said Hawk Moth.

"What do you mean-achoo?!" sneezed Cat Noir, "These annoying guys-achoo-haven't even touched us yet!"

"Yes. You are correct. Then again, they weren't really trying."

The two's eyes widened. Suddenly, they realized that a crack was forming in between them. The entire floor began to collapse.


Ladybug woke up feeling dust fall on top of her head. She looked up to see Cat Noir and herself were apparently pinned down. They couldn't move.

"Hello, Hello!" Cat Noir called out.

"We're down here," Ladybug screamed, "we're down here!"

Cat Noir tried to move, but the 300 pounds of rubble kept pinning him down. It felt useless. Ladybug's eyes began to water as she saw him just trying. Cat Noir then looked down where he saw a puddle forming from the rain. He could see Ladybug's hopelessness show in the reflection.

Those Miraculouses didn't give us our personalities. We already had them in the first place. Tikki and Plagg just gave these traits a little nudge out of the door. And you're not the type to give up that easily, My Lady. Cat Noir's words echoed in his own mind. He couldn't give up. He won't give up.

"Come on, Adrien...come on, Cat Noir." he whispered, then grunted loudly "Come on, Cat Noir! Come on, Cat Noir!"

He then began to lift the rubble off of him and Ladybug. The heroine stared at Cat Noir in complete shock. He was doing it. He was lifting the impossible. She then spotted a pole. She knew it wouldn't hold for too long, but it'll give them time to get out of the danger zone.

"Go, go, go!" she shouted.

"R-Right on, My Lady!" Cat Noir grunted.

The cat-themed hero then let go of the rubble as he grabbed Ladybug and jumped out of the way. They did it. They were able to get out of that rubble without using their Miraculouses. They then looked up at the middle of the now-destroyed Agreste Mansion.

"Let's finish this." said Ladybug.

"Yes, let's." Cat Noir agreed, then whispered, "And hopefully fix my house..."




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