Chapter 4: Eating The Dinner, And Springing The Trap

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Dinner is currently the most awkward affair ever. Ladybug had always known that the Agreste family was super-duper rich. After all, Gabriel Agreste was one of the most successful designers in the world, but it never occurred to her that it'd mean a gigantic, cold, dining room with the longest table to ever exist and everyone would sit so far away from one another.

She couldn't quite shake off the image of poor Adrien sitting alone in this big, empty, room almost single meal looking miserable despite the fact he was grinning radiantly at her right now.

To top it off, she was sitting between both men. Well, she'd say between, however, Gabriel sat at the head of the table. Ladybug was on his right a good four-five feet at least away from him. Adrien was beyond that distance. She might as well be sitting on her own.

The silence was deafening. Gabriel Agreste looked content to be silent as he took a small sip of his wine and then gazed at both Ladybug and Adrien with a small, pleased, smile that unnerved Ladybug to no end while Adrien gazed at her with his beautiful glimmering eyes and sweetest smile that made her all tongue-tied and incapable of speech.

So they just sat there in silence. And it really made Ladybug feel like a total lemon just sitting there. Was it too late to ask Cat Noir to come with an emergency so she could run out and pretend this weird, awkward, evening never happened?

It was on the tip Ladybug's tongue to shout out that she needed the bathroom so she could message Cat Noir (or maybe just jump out of the window) when Nathalie appeared with the food trolley.

She looked prim, strict, and imposing as ever and Ladybug immediately swallowed her words as her eyes landed on the three modern-chic china bowls filled with a thick, sickly, yellow liquid.

"The soup course, sir." said Nathalie flatly, "Spicy Root Vegetable Soup."

How many soup courses are in existence?! Ladybug thought in shock. Her eyes landed on the large array of different spoons, forks, and knives, and she immediately gulped. She was entirely out of her depth here.

"Spicy?!" Adrien perked up brightly.

"Root Vegetables." Gabriel replied instantly, "So you will still be kept to your diet's needs."

Adrien didn't look bothered at that while Ladybug bristled a little. Adrien was perfect the way he was, if a little too skinny at times. He didn't need to be kept on such a strict diet all the time.

"As long as it has taste." said Adrien rather sweetly, "I've been sick of the bland stuff chef has been serving all week."

Ladybug swore right there and then on her parents' lives that she was going to bring a cake into school each and everyday for Adrien to eat. Or one of their savory goods, or a little bit of leftovers from her mother's chinese cooking, or anything, just so he could savor the taste of good, hearty, food every single day.

"That 'bland stuff' keeps you healthy." replied Gabriel stiffly, "I won't have any son of mine collapsing because he hasn't eaten right."

"Yes, Father." murmured Adrien.

Ladybug shifted awkwardly as she glanced around, wishing she was anywhere else but here.

She was so grateful that there was a distraction in the form of their starter that she immediately snatched up her spoon and shoveled the thick liquid into her mouth. And instantly choked. Nathalie was not kidding about the "spicy" part of the soup course.

The hot liquid virtually set in her mouth on fire. Ladybug spluttered and coughed as she tried everything in her power to not spit the soup out on the clean, snow-white, tablecloth.

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