18|Turn of events

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TRRIGER WARNING ⚠️:(Depression, mention of losing loved ones, getting knocked out, mention of assult,being chased.)

Normal POV:
The elevator stopped and the woman that just might of lost everything came out her eyes that once shined brighter then the sun itself were now full of dull darkness. That loving smile is no longer plastered on her beautiful face. Her mind that was once sat on a certain person who changed her life was now completely empty.

She was still processing what happened and as she looked beside her she realised she wasn't quite alone.

The small chick was looking at her
It had the same expression as it always had,like it's parents never fell down or like it knew they were okay.

First you lost your brother and now you lost the love of your life,
How could this be?

You gently picked up the chick,as your
Fingers danced through out it's feathers.
It chirping happily in response
Your smile was bitterly cold
As you watched the small being
In your arms whit-out a second to spear you started walking as soon as you took as small as a few steps...


There was some sort of thing there you started running as fast as you can the chick tucked safely in your arms it appeared that it was some sort of maze
Left/right was all you knew at that moment.

As soon as you reached the end you saw a green door which was very good and two buttons on the floor.
With not much though you stepped on one it turns from red to green but the other one was still red.

You suddenly got this kind of idea to put the Opila chick on the other button and it worked!
Just like that the door was opened.

Reviling yet another orange room with what seemed to be yet another puzzle now you had the chick and the drone by your side.

You placed the chick that you decided to call... Arma(sorry if you don't like it
You know from law of talos castle of nations?...Karl is hot by the wa-)

As the door opened you turned around and tried to pick up Arma but she was clumped up in a corner shaking.

"Shhh it's ok." You gently whispered
But as soon as your fingers touched her she pecked you!

"Ow! Arma!"

You looked annoyed:

"Fine! I'm leaving you come along once you feel like it

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"Fine! I'm leaving you come along once you feel like it."

As soon as you started to leave Arma jumped and started to chirp loudly her wings spread in a warning manner but you choose to ignore it.

You found yourself in a,you guessed it another orange room.

There was a wall in the middle and you decided to walk around it your controller in hand as soon as you turn around to look at what it was it appeared to be a mega controller?
No time to think about that though.

Because something hit you so hard in the back of the head as you fell to the floor you could only wonder why didn't your instincts help you?
Well maybe it was because well (B/n) and banban...

No time to think about that since the darkness was already consuming you.

Hey it's been a while and i know this chapter is kinda short but! There is so much more following.
I missed y'all so much!!!
I hope you all are well!

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