I'm Given a Choice

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I know, I know, you've probably come here to hear how I died. Well, I'm sorry, but that's not what you're going to get. Nadeen asked me to write this. She just checks over it, corrects things and writes the author's note, even though she's not the author of this story. More like the editor. Anyway, let's get back to the story. 

I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter and Beryl Grace, brother of Thalia Grace and all that jazz. I sacrificed my life for my brother, cousin and ex-girlfriend. I was formerly a praetor at Camp Jupiter, the Roman version of Camp Half-Blood, except we take things more seriously. I think that's it. On with the story or whatever they say. 

I stared down at the path in front of me. Where am I? I thought. Then I remembered that I died. But the place I was in definitely not the Underworld. There was light and statues of some kind of animal. A lady was at the other side of the room. 

"Ah, Jason Grace. I've been expecting you. It actually took a while."

"For what?" I demanded. "For me to die?"

"No, no. For you to teleport to my temple."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Hecate, g—"

I immediately bowed, interrupting her. 

Hecate sighed. "Rise."

I stood up. "Why have you brought me here, Lady Hecate?"

"Oh, enough of that rubbish—Sorry, I've been in England for too long."

"O-oh," I stuttered. Laugh all you want; I don't care. I never did. "Sorry."

Hecate smiled. "Come here, Grace," she ordered.

I took in a deep breath and walked forward. 

"I'm giving you a chance."

"For what?"

"To live once again."

I stared at her. "How?"

"All you have to do is look into Perseus's past—"

I almost laughed. "Jackson? That idiot?"

Hecate glared at me and I backed down. "Please do not interrupt me, Grace. As I was saying, do you know the real reason why he didn't fight back?"


"Maybe you should look into his past and find out. I know you're feeling guilty."

"Am not."

"Are you arguing with me?"

"No, Lady Hecate."

"Good. It's either that or you go with the Vikings."


"They think they're the best and then steal our children!" Hecate exclaimed, ignoring my question.


"Well, Jason Grace? Do you accept or not?"

"I . . . I . . ." 

I thought about my choices. It's either see Percy the Weakling's past or I go with the Vikings. I knew the obvious answer. "I accept."

"Great! Now, a word, before I send you to the past."

I nodded and gestured for her to go on.

"Percy went through a lot, but no matter what you see, you cannot speak. He will not see you but he can hear you. Your voice, not you breathing, footstep and that kind of stuff. If you do speak, that will mess up the future and not for the greater good. I am trusting you, Jason."

I nodded, even though that seemed like an odd request. I pushed it aside.

Hecate pulled a bracelet out of her purple robe's pocket and handed it to me. "Wear it and click on the button."

I took a deep breath. "I got this," I muttered. And I pressed the button.

. . . Nadeen? You there? It's time for you to—

Hello, Jason! Oo, that's a short chapter. Make sure your chapters are longer in the future, please. Thanks for reading this! Please tell me if there are any mistakes that Jason made. It's his first time writing. Jason? Wanna wrap this up?

Yeah, sure. This is Nadeen, daughter of Hades, and me, Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, signing off. Have a good day/night!

-Daughter of Hades and son of Jupiter

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