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. . . No?

Lies. Anyway, you did a good job, Jase. It's just your author's notes . . .

Oh! So that's what it means!

Anyway, enjoy this chapter!


I was teleported to what seemed like the principal's office. Percy, Grover, Chiron, and some fat middle aged man were in it, with the overweight man in a large chair behind the desk, Percy and Grover in little chairs that looked like they were designed for kids, and Chiron in his wheelchair.

Grover and Chiron seemed scared for some reason, like something bad was going on. Percy, on the other hand, looked annoyed. And somewhat terrified. The principal was only disappointed—either in Percy's outfit or his actions. 

"Pushing Nancy in the fountain?!" the old man shouted. "I should have expected this from you!"

"Sir—" Percy tried to speak, but the principal cut him off.

"What the heck were you thinking?! I should—"

"It wasn't me!" Percy snapped. "I didn't do it!" He glanced at Grover. "Back me up, Grover."

Grover hesitated. "He . . . He did do it, sir."

I was shocked. Grover was lying! I didn't know Grover that well, but I knew enough about him to know that he would never lie, especially if it got his best friend in trouble. Percy didn't even push Nancy! He was just angry, so he accidentally used his powers and the water pulled her in!

"Grover?" Percy stared at his friend, also shocked. I mean, who wouldn't be shocked?

Grover didn't look at Percy. He focused his gaze on the principal.

"Very well then. Percy Jackson, you are expelled."


This would be a great time to tell you about Monster Donuts!

There are no ads in books—

Monster Donuts is a great place for you and your family to hang out and enjoy a lovely dessert! It's—



Who's that person?

I don't know. On with the story!

~another time skip for good measure~

Percy sat on a bench, waiting for a taxi. Grover was sitting right next to him, trying to talk to him, but Percy wouldn't budge. He ignored Grover the entire time, not caring about a single thing. All he wanted was to go home, I assumed. As did every sane kid.

"Percy," Grover said, "listen to me!" 

Percy rolled his eyes. Soon, a taxi came, he left, blah, blah, blah, he got home.

Percy walked into his apartment on the—


—floor and was greeted by an uglier man than the principal. He stank, like he hadn't showered in a year. And, no, I'm not taking about that New Years joke.

I'm gonna skip all this boring stuff because I'm sure the people here have already read the books and know what's going on.


I'm just gonna ignore her. Anyway, this lady came in. I think her name was Sally. She was probably Percy's mom. Sally headed to Percy's very messy—from Smelly Gabe—room. They had a talk that I don't remember so you can look at the book. Then, Sally suggested that she and Percy should go to Montauk. I think that's how you spell it.

So, they went. Gabe wasn't really happy with it, but agreed after Sally promised him a seven layer dip. I, of course, went with them. And almost fell out of the car. But who cares?

Sally and Percy went into this rundown cabin that I assumed was the cabin they rented or something. I don't know how vacations work. 

That's just sad—

Please, stop interrupting me. I'm trying to tell my beautiful and handsome readers a story. Anyway, Sally and Percy talked a lot, about school, about Percy's dad, about a camp that Percy's dad wanted him to go. And then he came. 

The door slammed open to reveal a tiny boy with goat legs and a terrifying face. Grover.

Percy looked so confused. "Grover?"

Grover panted. "Looking . . . for you . . . everywhere," he said in between breaths.

"What're you doing here?"

Grover ignored him and looked straight at Sally. "T-they're coming."

Great cliffhanger, I'd say. If the readers didn't already know what was going to happen. 

Jason, you didn't even get 1000 words. Literally just above 600

At least I updated. Like you should do.

-The boy who updated and the girl who did not 

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