Percy Kills an Old Lady

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I found Nadeen but she escaped . . . I don't know when she'll come back—or even if she will—but until then I'll have to correct things myself.

At least you're not lonely!

What did I say, Leo?! Go away!



I appeared in some kind of room. Percy was in it. He looked a bit older and was trying to read a book. Key word: Trying.

"Grover, how am I supposed to do the homework when I can't do the homework?"

"Erm . . ."

I looked behind me. There was this male. He had the start of a wispy beard and had acne. He had brownish hair and light skin. He was pretty short, too, but looked old.

"Just try harder," the boy—Grover, I assumed, told him. 

"Try harder? How am I supposed to try harder when I'm trying my best?!"

Grover sighed and sat on the bed, next to Percy. They talked about the book Percy was reading (read: failed at reading) for a while before Grover announced that they should get in the bus.

Don't tell me it's another field trip!

It's not another field trip.


There, you heard what you wanted to hear. Do you want to hear the truth, now?


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They got on the bus. Throughout the ride, this girl with freckles and crazy red hair kept annoying Percy and Grover. She threw wads of her peanut butter and ketchup sandwich at Grover and he caught it with his head.

Percy said that he's going to kill her, Grover told him to calm down—

Baby calm down, calm down! Put—

Seriously, Leo? I'm writing here!

You're no fun.

Tell Nadeen that!

—blah, blah, blah. I mean, who really cares about the details?

No, I am not lazy, reader.

The kids walked into a huge museum. They followed this man in a wheelchair. I swore he looked familiar.

He stopped by a large statue of a sphinx and started talking about it. It seemed like Percy was actually trying to listen but everyone was too loud even I couldn't hear the guy talk. 

Percy tried to tell others to stop talking but they didn't listen. 

Freckle Girl snickered about something—I couldn't tell what—and Percy turned around quickly. "Shut up!" he shouted.

It looked like he said it louder than he meant it to. Everybody—even the guy in the wheelchair—stopped what they were doing and stared at Percy. All the kids laughed, Freckle Girl wearing a smirk. 

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