Jackson's Born

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Nadeen? Wha—oh. Never mind. So you're back. I guess you really want to know what's going to happen. So . . . Do I just go on or—

Oh my gosh, Jason! Do you want me to write it?

No, no. It's fine. Anyway, back to the story. 

Where'd I leave off? Oh, yeah, I pressed the button. Seconds later, I found myself on a beach. I looked around. 

There was a cabin in the distance. I walked towards it. Once I got there I could see two people: a lady and a man.

The lady had long, brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was somewhat tall and pale. She was wearing a blue T-shirt (I don't know why she was wearing that; it was freezing) with dark blue jeans. She seemed to be pregnant. 

The man had messy black hair and sea-green eyes. He was tall, athletic and skinny. I almost thought that he was Percy in the future, but then I realized that he was Poseidon. And if he was Poseidon, then the woman had to be . . . I don't know. 

Poseidon started to talk. "I can't stay here for long. My brother will find out, and when he does he won't hesitate to hurt you two—"

Two? I thought. 

"I understand," the woman said. 

"Sally, you don't. If he finds out—and trust me, he will—he'll hurt you. Just come with me. I promise I'll keep you two safe—"

The woman—Sally—squeezed his hand. "I can't, Poseidon. I can't hide underwater forever. I'll make sure Z—"

"Shh, he'll hear."

Sally nodded. "Just go on, okay? Go back to your palace."

Poseidon sighed. He kissed Sally's cheek. "I'll remember you." And he walked into the ocean.

Sally wiped a tear away and made her way back into the cabin. 

(Line break—)

You use THAT as a line break? 

(What's wrong with it, Nadeen?)

The bracelet teleported me to a hospital. Sally was laying down on a bed, sleeping. And because I didn't want to find out how babies come out of their mother's body, I looked away.

After I heard crying, I turned my head back to Sally and saw a nurse carrying the infant. I couldn't help but think that he was adorable. 

Okay, that's enough of that. I'll bring you to their apartment, okay?

I knew that that voice belonged to Hecate. I nodded and felt the world around me dissolve.

(How do you do line breaks, Nadeen?)

Here, I'll do it and you can copy it, okay?

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I saw Sally carrying the baby—Percy. She was rocking him, singing lullabies and stuff. She placed him in a little crib. She sighed and entered the kitchen.

She grabbed a glass and filled it up with water. She took a sip and sat in a couch. She took out a ring from her pocket and squeezed it in her hand.

(Because I don't want to make a very short chapter I'll do more)

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

I saw a little three year old running around the apartment. He tried to open a door but was caught by a man.

"Where do you think you're going, idiot?" he asked. 

The toddler—Percy—whimpered. 

"Mommy's not here to save you. Watcha gonna do 'bout it?" 

I already wanted to strangle the man but I took a deep breath. 

The man dropped Percy on the floor and slapped his face. "Next time you do that I'll do way more than that, understand?" 

Percy nodded quickly. 

The man (what's his name?) walked away and Percy opened the door. 

I got a good look at him. He had lots of bruises all over him. He wore a little blue shirt and black shorts. He was tall for his age. 

Percy sat on the floor of the bathroom he entered and cried.

Is that enough, Nadeen?

Hm, fine, but do more next time, okay? As you might already know, Jason's new to writing, so be easy on him, please? I hate Gabe . . . 

Anyway, bye!

-The Greek and the Roman

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